S8E44: Starting the Journey (Journey to the Cross pt. 2)

Feb 22, 2021 07:00

Sermon #432

As we begin our journey to the cross we go to the place where Jesus began his journey in Mark's gospel. Before Jesus began his earthly ministry, before he had performed a single miracle as recorded in the Bible, he first was baptized by John in the Jordan river, and then went into the wilderness for forty days to be tempted by Satan. Only then did he begin his earthly ministry - and he began it at home. In this, we as Christians can identify with Christ as we, too, are baptized into the faith, are tempted and face adversity in our new-found faith, and begin our proclamation of the gospel at home - among our family, friends and neighbors.

Mark 1:9-15

Recorded at Ebenezer UMC on February 21, 2021

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sin, lent, god, methodist, sermon, christianity, preacher, jesus, trinity, gospel, christ, religion, holy spirit, faith, witness, cross, salvation, bible, baptism, grace, repentance, evangelism

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