Feb 19, 2021 07:15
Since coming to Christ in 2008 I have always observed Lent through fasting and prayer. I am Methodist and grew up in the Protestant tradition. Although Lent is not generally considered an important season among Protestants, here is why and how I observe it.
1. Lent represents the 40 days Jesus fasted in the wilderness in preparation of his earthly ministry. Traditionally Lent has been used as a season of catechesis for converts to Christianity, leading up to baptism on Easter Sunday.
2. Lent includes the forty days between Ash Wednesday and Maundy Thursday (the day before Good Friday), but does not include Sundays (in other words, if you are fasting during Lent, Sunday is a day when you may feast, because every Sunday is considered to be the Lord's Day - a little Easter or Resurrection observance when we celebrate and feast with Christ in his Resurrection).
3. The ancient church calendar - by the beginning of the Second Century - was set up to observe three major holy days: Epiphany (January 6), Easter (First Sunday after Passover begins), and Pentecost (7 weeks after Easter). The season of Lent was set apart for observance very early on to prepare Christians for the observance of Easter or Resurrection Sunday.
. The typical fast for Lent is what is called a "partial" fast, in which we abstain from eating certain rich foods. The purpose is to remind us of the austerity of our faith. There is a time to feast and a time to fast, and Lent is seen as a season of fasting. As mentioned previously, Sundays are a reprieve from fasting because it is meant to be a day of celebration - the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.
This was a little longer than I intended but I pray it helps you in your journey of faith. Even though Protestants don't generally focus on Lent, I find it to be a time of renewal for my faith through fasting, prayer, and focusing on my relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Blessings to you!