May 12, 2013 22:56
We've all heard the words ramble from the mouths of the rappers,
who gamble when they speak like fools to the masses,
a train of thought is a hard thing to maintain,
so sit down maybe read a book, practice using your brain,
It's god's damn shame that we remain in the past
unable to break the bonds that hold us fast, to the last,
The solution is simple, the solution is tackled
on the battlefield of our daily examples,
we claim no true knowledge and no special exemption
we take up our duties and scorn pretension,
without mentioning our talents, let them
speak for themselves, without dragging our conceit
out from off of our shelves, we can ask ourselves questions.
and find that these questions have answers
understood by minds that have worked hard to uncover
hidden things through a labor so strange, it's the science,
the method, the peer reviews, the brains, the experiments with double blind
controls, the theory that's tested lives or it dies
the unlikely event of our ever arising,
why don't you find it surprising?
why do you act like your mind
is only bent to make money,
so you can take that money and
spend it on a weekend that's sunny
with your family, we all know cash
doesn't equal love, many people have
cash, but who can you trust?
we are all endowed with a lust
for affection and if we can't control
our lust, we will find no affection,
see, it's not a paradox, it's really
quite simple, first feel love
spread through your temples,
forgive the circumstance and the
chance of everyone's genetics,
forgive the thiefs liars, the quacks
and lunatics, you see if you were
them, in their place and with their mind
I think that you would find yourself
walking along their line and acting as
they would, life is hard for rich and poor,
door-to-door will you keep score?
suffering is subjective, you always
know your own, but it can live in any
head and maybe no one else would know
it might be self-pity or weakness or a rotten
disposition, but it was all caused by something
just like the rain and the lightning.