Apr 28, 2013 16:58
work is an exercise, much as a practical application of all of our accumulated knowledge. though we receive tasks by the circumstances and necessities of our position in the workforce, this does not sustain our intellect, if we have not attained to being a career intellectual. Dirty hands and dirt under the fingernails, sweat on the brow, always moving, a man does not think but of his work, or immediate pressing issues, but never of the complexities of the reality we were all thrown into together, blessed with the gift of consciousness and the capacity for imagination, we are well on our way to transforming our species, if not all for the better, not all for the worse. so we must decide which side of the divide we will occupy. we cannot be the victims of the dangerous combination of the modern, historically novel environment and our stone age instincts and tendencies. we must discern the problem within ourselves, we must nurture the tendencies and impulses that seek to mitigate the lower portions of our brains, and to mitigate our own will to power. in the forward portion of our brain we are moved to empathize and to understand the wisdom of the golden rule. here we intuit the motives and backstage occurrences behind any other's eyes. and we can easily sense kinship and affinity, if not always agreement or loyalty. to assume an enemy is to become the reflection of that enemy, is to take on similar justifications as that enemy.
as humans, we serve our interests. we may acknowledge this, but this does not liberate us from our fate. Better to understand that serving the interests also of a great diversity of life is very likely necessary to our own future prospects. In all cases, a careful and able investigator would prefer more information, more evidence. To lose species of plants and animals is to lose information and evidence. We are chasing our origins, we are uncovering the complex bio-chemical reactions that constitute the building and maintenance of our body and mind. We are attaining to self-knowledge in a real way.