And Another Thing

Aug 06, 2006 03:57

Rant # 2 : Driving Stuffs

Ever been driving along in at least mild traffic and slowed down or stopped to let someone out of a driveway/parking lot/whatever ? You weren't in a big hurry, and it seemed like the right thing to do at the time. So you did it, maybe exchanged waves with the driver you let onto the road and what have you.

Now, how many of you have done that and then gotten angry cause some fucker behind you honked or flashed his lights because HE was in a hurry? What a prick, right?

Lastly, how many of you have BEEN that guy in a hurry?

Because if you're number one, AND number three you can go fuck yourself (I won't lie, I have been both).

I mean, do people honestly pay attention to the inconsistency in their behavior? It's absolutely insane !!! I mean, I've ridden in cars where the driver has let several people over, and then when the person in front of them did it and they missed a light, they promptly screamed profanity at the offending driver. I mean, who the fuck do people think they are? I can do whatever the hell I want but if someone else engages in the same gesture of kindness in a way that inconveniences me (in the same way I've probably inconvenienced the people behind me) they are suddenly the devil and should go die in a fire? Does anyone else not see how fucked up that is ?

Bunch of ignorant bitches out on the road, I swear.....

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