As I turn 60

Jun 16, 2009 19:10

As I turn 60: Notes for my daughter and other young women of my acquaintance

Things I wish I'd known, or could have done better

1. Pay attention to your career/job/profession.
I was part of the first generation that expected women to have careers, so I didn't have many good role models. I allowed myself to take too many dead-end jobs and to take the path of least resistance. I should have planned better and taken charge of my career. Think about where you want to be at 50--or 60.
Being a full-time mom is a fine job--but remember that it's temporary. Kids grow up. Plan ahead. Look beyond your children and don't neglect yourself or your marriage.

2.  Watch your weight.
Not because of the media's obsession with "thin is better." For your health.
I have trouble getting my butt off the floor, my knees hurt, I can't run up the stairs. I have high blood pressure and cholesterol. All of these things are at least partly because I've put on too much weight. It's much easier to keep it off than to lose it.
If someone had told me when I was 35 that I'd weigh what I do now, I wouldn't have believed them. Your metabolism will change! This leads me to--

3. Watch out for your 40s.
Sometime after 40 your metabolism will change. Trust me. Be alert. Look at your mother: if she's heavier than she ought to be, it could happen to you!
Also, your 40s is when you should be paying attention to your career. The kids will be old enough to allow you to focus on yourself a bit.
It's an easy time to get into a rut with career or relationships. Don't.
There's still time to start something new.

4. Moisturize. Get plenty of calcium. You'll be glad you did.

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