what is the point?

May 20, 2008 15:32

I'm sure I'm not the only one, but I can't imagine what the authorities in Texas are thinking in their handling of the fundamentalist Mormon sect. How is it a) in the interest of society b) in the interest of the children c) medically, morally, or philosophically right to separate mothers and children, including infants who are still being breastfed? So far, the only law that they claim is being broken is the one against underage marriage--in which case, the mothers and children are clearly not at fault.
Given the chanciness of the foster-care system, there's very little doubt that these kids would be better off with their moms, even if they ascribe to a nutty religion.
Don't get me wrong, I think this male-fantasy religion is nuts. (The more women you screw and get pregnant, the faster you get to heaven... Gee, wonder which sex thought that up.)
But why are the authorities so worried about whose kids are whose?
Is this the thin edge of the wedge against all non-traditional families?

families, religion, rants

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