
Jul 09, 2010 23:55

09:41 just saw #GoodShit RT: @raytida: New Post: Elements of Style, and Spain: [World Cup-related, long-rambling post alert.] #

10:10 Ok if this is as seksy as they say it is, then the faulty iPhone4 just got kicked off my August wishlist #

10:38 I hate @daddy_san for this has been haunting me and playing on loop for almost an hr now! #

12:13 Can a show like this survive in realityTV infested India? #CokeStudio #

15:26 #eieieidowatisay RT @sickipedia: What would Princess Diana be doing now if she was still alive? Scratching the fuck out of her coffin lid #

15:55 #TWSS RT @ramaaramesh: Dear ______________,, please marry me. I'm sick of waiting for you to ask me yourself. I am low on patience #
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