
Nov 20, 2018 09:44

...и пидарасы.

https://www.wsj.com/amp/articles/the-kremlins-interpol-power-play-1542672759 и https://www.bloomberg.com/amp/opinion/articles/2018-11-20/interpol-russian-leadership-would-be-a-disaster

Илай Лэйк взвыл о невероятной угрозе:

"... Already Ukraine has threatened to leave Interpol if Prokopchuk is elected as its next president. The U.S. and its allies should do the same. Western democracies still provide nearly 80 percent of Interpol’s annual budget. That money would be better spent as seed funding for a new international law-enforcement organization that bans officials from corrupt authoritarian states, instead of electing them to leadership positions.

Even if Prokopchuk is defeated this week, the damage to Interpol is already done. Just last month, another authoritarian state kidnapped and disappeared the previous Interpol president. So far China has paid no price for this crime. The fact that Prokopchuk has come this close suggests the rot inside Interpol is irreversible.

Time to start over. When Nazis took over the leadership of Interpol’s predecessor, known as the International Criminal Police Congress, most nations withdrew their membership. Interpol was reborn in 1946 after the Nazis were defeated in World War II.

There is still a need for an international organization that enables police agencies to share information. Interpol is no longer that organization. So America should lead the effort to build a new one. One of its first acts should be to issue a red notice for Alexander Prokopchuk, for impersonating a cop."

И ещё кусок из Вашингтонского КомПоста:


Слезами по киборду стучит Владимир Кара-Мурза:

"... With a Putin-appointed police general at the helm, the Kremlin would no longer need to abuse Interpol to pursue its goals; it would be able to place the organization at its service. One should look no further than the federal wanted list from Russia’s Interior Ministry, which includes the likes of longtime Kremlin opponent Mikhail Khodorkovsky and the Crimean Tatar leader and Ukrainian lawmaker Mustafa Dzhemilev, to guess what names could be singled out for future “red notices.” (Disclaimer: Khodorkovsky is the founder of the Open Russia movement, of which I serve as vice chairman.) Americans who helped the passage of the Magnitsky Act - and whose questioning Putin demanded from President Trump in Helsinki - are likely candidates as well.

But the misuse of the “red notice” system would be the least of the problems should Prokopchuk accede to Interpol’s presidency. The main purpose of the organization is information-sharing and mutual assistance among national police forces. One can imagine what the Kremlin could do with access to sensitive databases around the world. For one thing, there could be many more inconspicuous Russian tourists visiting foreign countries on brand-new passports to admire ancient gothic cathedrals.

Unlike other international organizations, Interpol does not list its former presidents on its official website. There is good reason for this. Between 1940 and 1945, the organization - then known as the International Criminal Police Commission - was led, successively, by three Nazi war criminals: SS General Reinhard Heydrich, the chief architect of the Holocaust; SS General Arthur Nebe, who, as the head of Einsatzgruppe B was responsible for murdering tens of thousands of Jews in Poland and Belarus; and SS General Ernst Kaltenbrunner, founder of the Mauthausen concentration camp and one of the main instigators of the Holocaust, who was hanged at Nuremberg for crimes against humanity. It is a page in its history the International Criminal Police Organization would rather forget. Putin’s regime is no Third Reich - but its actions at home and abroad are a travesty to very concept of the rule of law. One day, Interpol will no doubt also want to forget the page it is about to open on Wednesday."

Гвалт, нацисты захватывают Интерпол?!

Мистер Браудер спешно продаёт недвиж за рубежом, в Лондонистане Ходор примеряет противогаз и костюм химзащиты, а "уважаемые украинские партнёры" грозят хлопнуть дверью.

Неужели хитрый Путлер опять всех переиграл?

Чёрт его знает, но судя по скулежу скоро Интерпол "наш."

собаки лают, международная политика

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