brighter than the autumn sky

Sep 26, 2013 21:09

onkey; pg; au, fluff; 3243wc
beta'd illuminationkey

Kibum met his sunbae at the unexpected place and situation.

The sun was hiding behind the thick cloud, made the sky dyed in the dark. Kibum tightened his jacket as the wind strongly blew the leaves to fall along the street to the station. It was past three in the afternoon when he arrived at the train station. He tossed his backpack on the long chair that embed in the station platform as he took a seat beside.

He frowned at the departure time on his ticket. It was written at 3:25pm, which was meant he only had another fifteen minutes more to wait for the train. He sighed, he didn’t want to wait any longer. He just wanted to go as soon as possible before the dark sky pouring its tears, before the night time had fallen, before someone finally noticed his absent-was there even one?


A familiar sweet-like-honey voice that he always adored was calling him. Kibum scoffed at himself, he must have been daydreaming to think that someone he knew was there. But the second call made him wonder did the world give him a trick on his ears or maybe his fate could go worsened that it already was.

And so he looked up.

The certain man whose voice was softer than the silk, with smile which was brighter than the sun; was standing not too far from him. Kibum chocked, his feline eyes had to blink twice to ensure it was not an optic illusion coming to his vision about the person he wished for, was standing before him.

Kibum feels like facepalming himself, he forgot that this train station was located near from school.

The opportunity of meeting someone he knew extended twice bigger than its usual-or to think about it, he should have gotten there before the school ended, therefore he won’t meet anyone from school.

The latter wore jeans with light blue shirt as the top and his usual worn-out converse shoes, with his backpack hanging loosely in one arm. He smiled down at him and all of sudden Kibum felt annoyed with his smile.

"Sunbae..." his voice sounded hoarse, even weakened loosely on the edge. He remembered that it was the first time he talked to someone since yesterday.

"What are you doing here?" the older said as he sat beside him.

Kibum looked away, he knew people would ask the same thing to him right now. Not that he expected anything extraordinary but it was just too mainstream, plainly boring. He doesn't need this part of washy-washy. So instead of saying anything he just shrugged his shoulder off.

To his surprise, the intruder only chuckled at his nonchalant manner of answering and didn't ask him any further. Somehow Kibum felt relieved.

The train came not that long after he prayed to God to grant his last hope-runaway from this awkward situation. So he grabbed his backpack and walked to the coming train. He didn’t even bother to glance at someone beside him or to bid him goodbye. He got into the fortunately quite passenger seats line and took his seat when someone behind was following him on tail.

"What are you doing here? Why did you follow me?"

Kibum spatted at the latter who tried not to grin widely-he somehow tried not to offense Kibum’s feeling-calmly showing the same ticket with his.

The younger's cheeks tinted pink but quickly brush it off with the deceiving roll of his eyes as he murmured, "Whatever." and claimed his seat.

Jinki sat beside him and surprisingly he didn’t receive any complaint from the latter. He looked amazed with the younger-a white polo shirt inside his denim jacket, leopard-printed long pants, black boots, and neon pink Jansport backpack-he won't thinks this one is an outfit for a runaway case?

"So..." Jinki began.

"You skipped classes and the club and went straight from home to here, bringing your huge backpack with you.. I see, Kibum." he calmly said still looking at him from head to toe.

Kibum was being his stubborn self, that he kept his gaze anywhere but to the latter, he was prefer to look at the busy station through the window glass.

"Where are you going?"

"I don't know." he answered nonchalantly.

Jinki frowned again as he nodded slowly, "you don't know."

He sighed, adjusting his position and try to take a nap. He knows since Kibum wasn't in a good mood he didn't want to push him any further.

"I'll sleep for awhile, just wake me up when you've reach your destination."

Jinki didn't know if it was necessary to say but seeing Kibum slowly nodded as the reaction, it made him smiled as he closed his eyes.


Jinki woke up because of the woman's voice in the speaker saying that they've reached Gwang-do. People were exchanging train going in and out, making it more noisy and uncomfortable to go back to sleep. He turned to Kibum who was surprisingly still there looking at the landscape out of the window.

He cleared his throat make the younger glanced at him slightly.

"So, have you decided which station you’ll get off?"

The latter only shook his head. He even really didn't mind if the train bring him to last station. The longer it would go, the further he got away from home. It made him somehow happy.

"My stop would be the next stop..." Jinki left hanging his sentence, not sure if offering the younger would be the best option, so he didn't.

"I'll come with you." Kibum abruptly decided, he didn't even bother to have a permit from the elder.

Jinki turned his attention fully to the younger. He can see the younger was not joking around, and his eyes looked straight to the window. He looked almost emotionless.

"You sure?"

"Only if you are."

To be honest, the elder was not, because where would he bring the two of them to? But the options of refusal were stuck in his tongue and all he did was smiled widely and nodded, "Sure, let's get ready!"

Jinki didn’t seem aware that he was the one who got so excited for this condition.

The station where Jinki took his depart off the train was smaller than they already had passed by-way smaller and more quite. They walked out of the station and walked along the street nearby the station. They remained silent, both were busy with their own thoughts. The thoughts of why did they end up being there together, what were they supposed to do, what to say to each other, where were they going now; they were all wrapped up in the mind, not even voiced out, no one dare to.

"Where do you want to go?"

Jinki asked, breaking the silent between them, still walking side by side with him.

"Am I supposed to know?" Kibum asked back, "I've decided to come with you, so now you have to decide, where you would bring us to."

The older chuckled. He had heard people in the choir club say the Kim Kibum was cold, arrogant, and demanding type of person; he had just figured it out now and it was cute actually, in terrible way. So instead of saying anything he grabbed the younger's hand and pulled the now-confused-looked Kibum with him.

The beach was not that far from the station, the train still could be seen from where they stood now. Jinki dropped his bag and sat beside it. He looked up at Kibum who was still standing awkwardly beside him. He patted the white soft sand beside him, gestured him to have a sit.

"You live quite far from school." Kibum said as he sat, bending his legs in front of his chest.

Jinki hummed while lying on the sand and closed his eyes. "It's peaceful here."

No respond still. So Jinki cracked his eyes opened and turned to see the younger titled his head as he closed his eyes, inhaled the soothing scent of the sea. His jet black hair waved by the wind, the color was a contrary compared to his pale skin. Jinki wouldn't lie the view was beautiful in his eyes-even more beautiful than the beach itself.

"So, care to tell me what's wrong?"

Kibum felt it was weird for the latter asking him like that because they weren't even close in school in the first place. Hell, the term of “friend” wasn’t referred for them either. Jinki was a senior student while Kibum, unfortunately, was still a sophomore. They met almost one year ago when Kibum decided to join the choir club-with an unwilling heart because it was required for every freshman to join at least one club--and Jinki being the one of the best singers there who has a soft silky voice that made him so popular among the sunbaes and hoobaes.

Kibum noticed him immediately on his first day in the club. He helped everyone, his caring attitude, and well-mannered behavior with all smiley expression and cresent-shaped eyes, no wonder all the hoobaes were fangirling over him. The coach often choose him as the main cast for some musical projects in school, first because his amazing voice and second, Jinki was blessed with good acting skill. The younger admitted it he loved the older’s voice as well but he never said it to him-like all the people in the club did-he even never said it to anyone. He barely had friends anyway. Was it even necessary?

So, that's it, they just knew that the person was Jinki and the other was Kibum. They didn't talk to each other during the club class.

But here he was now, sitting beside the older, miles away far from school, from the club's room, from anyone. Kibum was mentally debating with himself what to answer.

"Nothing's wrong... just feels like away from home."  Kibum said lowly.

From everything, was left unsaid from Kibum’s mouth.

"Is it good?"


"Being away from home. Does it feel good?"

Kibum was not sure, he didn't think about how it felt though. He hasn't decide it yet. Why did he have to bother him with such a question?

Jinki chuckled mildly, "It's okay if you don't know." As if he heard what Kibum had thought.

Kibum felt annoyed-offended-with his laughter. The older knew he didn't know what to answer but yet he still asked him anyway. So he shifted his gaze away. This was why he hated people, they just acted to be nice in front of you while actually they did the contrary behind your back, to mock you behind.


"Don't hate me. It was your choice to come with me though."

Through his peripheral view, Kibum could see the older grinned at him only make him more irritated.

They stayed like that for a few good minutes, enjoying the pregnant silence they shared together before then Jinki stood up.

He patted his hands clean from the sands and gave the younger his hand, which was making him frowned at his direction. Kibum stared at the hand only to have Jinki being ignored again.

"Come on or you'll die from hypothermia soon."

Kibum had no choice other than being obedient. He took his hand but pulled it away as soon as he stood properly. They started walking further from the shore, from where Kibum was standing he could see the sun was being set, the orange hue shone beautifully behind the cloud. He rarely saw this view in Seoul, he was quite busy struggling with his life.

His admiration was cut suddenly when Jinki grabbed his arm to follow him crossing the street. He just realized they were on the main street already and he cluelessly still followed him on tail.

"Where would you bring me to?"

"To my house."

"Y-your what?"

"My house." Jinki said firmly without even glancing.

"Why didn't you ask me first?"

Jinki stopped walking and so did Kibum, he turned to the younger.

"Because I rather not to see my hoobae from school walking aimlessly without knowing where he’d end up to," he said as he putted his hands on his pocket.

"It's kind of civic duty to help each other, right?"

The younger scoffed, "Thank you for caring but I brought lots of bucks with me. So thanks, Sunbae, I'll get a place to sleep myself."

He said it coldly as he turned away to other direction but Jinki grabbed his wrist already.

"No, you're not going anywhere but my place, okay."

The older didn't wait for his respond and firmly holding the younger’s hand intertwined with his, without pulled it away before they arrive at his house.

The house turned out to be a fifth floors old apartment building with the paint peeling in some parts. There was no elevator to bring them upstairs, only the tiled stairs. Kibum was glad that Jinki's room was on the 3rd floor because he didn't know if he was strong enough to go higher after walking quite far the whole day.

Jinki stumbled with the keys but he managed to let Kibum get in first and closed the door afterward. It was dark inside before Jinki turned the lights on. He opened his shoes-when Jinki went somewhere, he doesn’t care-and walked to the small living room. There was a cabinet with a small TV and tape on top of it and some cups and medals inside the glass cupboard, most of them are from the singing competition, choirs, and musicals contest. Kibum was slightly ashamed that he himself just chose the choir club randomly when there was someone like Jinki who put most effort on it and took the wheel seriously.

He let the window opened and the curtain waved slightly by the wind as he plumped himself on the fluffy couch. To his surprise the apartment was pretty cozy, it has been awhile since he felt so comfortable and hospitable.

"You can sleep in the bedroom if you feel like to."

He opened his eyes he didn't remember closing them when Jinki came from nowhere brought him a cup of beverage that smelled like tea, along with snacks.

Kibum straightened his body up and shook his head, "S-sorry..."

"It's fine, I know you must be tired after had a long trip." Jinki smiled teasingly, Kibum chose to ignore him.

"You live alone here?" Kibum tried to change the topic, it seemed he had managed it after he saw the older sit on the carpeted-floor beside his feet and opened the snacks.

"I used to have a roommate but he moved out three weeks ago." Jinki shoved chips into his mouth.

"Don't you get bored?"

"No, I have school in the morning and two part-time jobs after that, it takes almost all my day. So-"

"Two jobs?"

Jinki nodded as he licked his covered-with-salt fingers. "Yeah, since Joon had moved, I need more money to pay the rent by myself."

Kibum remained silent, he felt like a bad person. He had parents at home, he has a huge room to himself, he didn't have to pay the rent nor getting two jobs to be done at once. He had everything yet still complaining about life. He felt bad at himself and so ungrateful.

Jinki stood up and walked to the stack of his DVD collections and inserted one on tape. The sound filled the whole room as he setting the volume up. The song was so familiar he couldn't help but smiling at the excited Jinki who already sang Troy's part.

"I really like this song."

Kibum nodded concurring as Jinki continued singing. He took a remote control use it as a microphone and started singing his heart out, Kibum giggled at his stupidity. This was the first time he saw the Lee Jinki being so ridiculous, also first time hearing him singing this close and him being the only listener.

I wish this moment was ours to own it

And that it would think never leave

He grabbed Kibum hands, pulling him along. He tilted his head, asked the latter to sing along. Kibum shook his head at first but the older insisted.

"Your part." so Kibum sang.

Then I would thank that star that made our wish

comes true

Cause he knows that where you are is where I

should be too

They giggled at each other, hand in hand and spinning around the too small living room. They look very stupid but at the time no one cares besides enjoying the music.

Right here, right now

I'm lookin' at you

And my heart loves the view

Cause you mean everything

Jinki was still in his goofy style stretched his hand out toward Kibum, as if he talked to him. The younger laughed again and copied his style.

Right here, I promise you somehow

That tomorrow can wait some other day to be

But right now there's you and me

They ended the song with Kibum hands on Jinki's shoulders and Jinki wrapped his hand around the younger's slim waist.

"This is amazing, Sunbae..." Kibum whispered still standing too close with him.

"It's hyung now, Jinki hyung."

The younger giggled at the informal things, "Jinki hyung..."

Jinki smiled in agreement and then pulled away, Kibum startled at the sudden movement but didn't say anything as the reaction. He saw the older disappeared behind the door that he assumed as Jinki’s room. So Kibum sit back to the couch, he looked through the opened window the sky was dark, it was almost seven in his watch. He better went home now and Jinki probably had a lot of something to do.

Right about the time the said man came up and sat on the couch beside him.

"Don't you have to work?"

Jinki shook his head, "I told a friend to cover my shift because there's currently a guest here."

Kibum gasped his mouth-agaped, "Oh, Sunbae-"


"H-hyung, you don't have to. I was about going home."

"You're going home?"



"Yes?" Kibum hesitantly answered.

Jinki chuckled, "It's past six there's no train at this hours-at least they didn't stop at the station."

"Really?" Jinki nodded, "Why didn't you warn me before? How should I go home now?" Kibum looked frustrated.

"I thought you were runaway? Didn't you tell me before that you just want to be away from home?"

"Y-yes.. but- still.."

Jinki couldn't help but laughing at Kibum who sent him a death glare. "You’re just too cute Kibum, why didn't we befriend before."

Kibum hit his arm hardly because no one had laughed at him ever, "I'm serious-"

"You can stay here." Jinki interrupted abruptly.

"No, Hyung, thank you. I'll look for a hotel or something."

"Oh.. I'm sorry if my place is not like your luxury palace."

"No, Hyung, it's not like that, actually I like it here. I just-"

"Then stay?"

Kibum felt like facepalming again since he once again saw the older tilted his head cutely at him. He sure knew how to subtly demand for something.

"Okay..." that was the only he could mutter in the end.

"We could go back to the town tomorrow morning or not back at all. It's all up to you."


He could only nodded obediently, because honestly what have you expected more than a place and someone to stay with?


A/N: birthday fic for jinkionki93. I chose that song because her obsession with HSM 3, it makes me a bit overwhelmed. so, happy belated birthday, dearest ;D

!fic, pairing; onkey

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