I study Clouds!

May 25, 2008 11:46

I've had problems explaining to people what I study since I started this field. Time and practice talking to people troughout these last 4 years have made me realize which words and in which order work better so that people understand better what I do with my time.

The winner has been - "I study Clouds!" (I say it with some enthusiams). Friday afternoon I was at McKinley checking my eyes after the kick ass bike ride and of course he asked me what I studied. "Atmospheric Sciences" was my response. He just stares at me with the smile he already had - "Meteorology" I then add. He then reacts, "Yes, yes...that is very interesting". Then he asks me what I study or work with - "I study Clouds!". His smile widens, his eyes shine a bit and he takes a deep breath and responds - "That sounds SO NICE how you say it"! We then started talking about Google Earth and all the new weather gadgets that you can get and how he wishes they would put cloud top heights on them....

I was quite happy after that. I like how people get excited when I say "I study Clouds!". Thumbs up for the doctor for not asking me if I wanted to be a weather person on TV.

meteorology, atmospheric sciences, clouds

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