Jul 22, 2005 00:34
Ok here is what is wrong with the United States of America plain and simple. The first problem is the people in the country. I recently read something that said a consumer group wanted to put similar labels to that which are on cigarettes on soda. First of all have we learnt nothing from cigarettes? The labels don’t matter. People who smoke know the risks and they’re willing to take them. The people who drink soda know that too much sugar isn’t good for them and if they don’t their parents tell them that it is. They know the risk and if they want to take it let them. Many people want the government to fix all their problems because they’re too ignorant to realize that they have to solve it for themselves. “Oh my Big Macs are fatty so we shouldn’t let McDonalds make them anymore.” “I’m fat because of Oreos.” No you’re not fat because of Oreos. Your fat because you eat too many Oreos deal with it. You go into McDonalds and get a coffee. Coffee is hot, you didn’t order iced coffee. Then you proceed to spill it on yourself because you weren’t careful. Then you sue McDonalds for not putting a warning on their cup that you would have ignored anyways. And if your coffee had been cold than you would have gone inside and yelled at the employee working behind the counter because that’s what people do in America.
Another problem is that people are too dependent upon political parties. If you’re a democrat than your expected to be liberal in every aspect of your political beliefs. If you’re a republican you’re expected to be conservative, but in reality nobody believes everything that the republican party believes just as nobody believes everything that the democrat party believes and that doesn’t even include the beliefs of the constitution party, the green party, the independents, and the libertarians. Why don’t we just get rid of them all? I know why because then how would you know who to vote for? Approximately 80% of Americans decide who they vote for dependent upon who the candidate from their political party is. Now I consider myself to be somewhere in the middle. I hate George Bush but not because he’s a republican. I dislike him because I don’t agree with his policies. That’s the way it should be. People should accept ideas from all political parties. My favorite prominent politician is probably John McCain because he has a reputation for not following along with the party mantra. The great thing about America is the diversity of it’s political opinions but those political opinions should be represented by more than two parties because I firmly believe that no person can possibly believe every single thing that another person believes. However, there are one hundred seats in the senate and those one hundred people can better represent the population of America than can the two political parties. There should be someone in there who thinks like me. That Gay marriage is great, That Affirmative Action is the worst idea ever and that a woman should have the right to abort a fetus if that is what she feels is right. A person who feels the most important thing on the American Agenda should be getting out of debt not fighting a war in Iraq. Someone who feels that after we get out of debt that we should cut taxes because they are regressive. There should be a person in the senate or the house of representatives who feels that way. Unfortunatley I doubt that there is.
In the upcoming senate confirmation hearings there will undoubtedly be problems because the judge is a republican and democrats don’t like republicans. That shouldn’t matter what should happen is that the best judge should be nominated and then should be given the support of the senate as a result of being a judge of excellent standing instead of being blasted for being a judge of an opposing political party. It simply is not important in the grand scheme of things and I don’t understand why people seem to think that it is.
I guess what I’m trying to get across here is this … Americans, wake up don’t swallow the mantra that political parties dish out. Make your own decisions on who you believe the best candidate is. Don’t join a political party simply vote on the candidate that you feel best represents what you believe in. And most of all if you don’t like something let the American Government know it. If they don’t know that you are unhappy with it than they won’t change it. People have the ability to make a change and I firmly believe that it is time to get America back on track and restore it to it’s position in the focal point of the world’s glory