
Apr 29, 2007 22:35

Life is funny. I always say this.

I had another amazing weekend, this time in a different way. The highlight of my week was obviously Amy, she came up yesterday for Charlies party... Which didn't pan out too well, but hey, Amy was there! We had a laugh and she got to meet some of my friends, espesh Phil and Hannah... She also got to meet Sarah, not that I planned that one. Jesus, what is up with that girl, she was behaving so oddly all night long. We kinda argued about it today, cause obviously... Sarah is always right and I'm always wrong. Haha, she'll never learn! Luckily, I've this great new ability to laugh alot of silly things off. Good people matter. Amy matters. :)

So things are looking good, I really like her... It's crazy though, so much stuff has happened so quick. I hope it doesn't fuck up, she does really seem to like me though. She got a little upset last night when we went to sleep, and like, we pretty much spent the whole night talking about stuff that was upsetting her and that. She thinks I'm amazing for that... But I mean that's just me? But anyway, she rocks. She kinda invited me, well not kinda... She has, invited me to her leavers prom... I was kinda shocked at first, I mean I've not known her long. It's like right after I get back from the states, which seems kinda far off yet. I mean we could like, not be talking anymore by then nevermind seeing eachother... But we'll see, I've got a good feeling about it all. Imma try and arrange to take her out this week, and like ask her out properly :) We'll see.

So stuff is good, saw Stu over the weekend too... Hahaha that guy, he rocks so hard. Something tells me it's gonna get me in trouble tommorow tho lol. Band practice tonight kicked ass, got there well late and nearly set the place on fire... Buttttt... We've started putting together  a KICK ASSSSSS new song. It really sounds, like, catchy and perfect. I can't wait to get it finished. Stu also wants to play in a band with me lol.

So my holiday is sorted, I'm broke now lol... But there's so much to look forward to, as small as having a laugh at work and some cookies to flying out to California and having Amys prom to look forward to when I get back!

So, in the words of Ayyyynand, "it's all good in the hood"

hahaha xxxx
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