Aug 17, 2004 19:43
TODAY: I went to freshman orientation....errr....annoyin lil buggers. I was trying to get people to sign up for CIAO (Central's Intercultural Acceptance Organization). We got very few people, but these freshmens don't seems as annoying as last years. Well anywys the people from Central who read my Live Journal, please join.
YESTERDAY: I actually unpacked (still not done though) I hung up my clothes and shoe's, but I guess the most annoying thing to fix was my make up. I'm usually really good about organizing my make up box but I dunno why I didn't really feel like doing it, and you people who've seen my room or worked with me know I have ridiculous amount of make up and to make it even better my aunt in Cali got me more make and now not all my make up fits in the box. Then me and Irem went to run some arrens for my mom, then we went to Bams & Nobels, well I swear I saw Jason Williams (he had the tattoos, piercings, crooked teeth, everything, man; he was there with 3 girls 2 of them foreign sounding model-like and one was wearing the same Miami Dolphines Ricky Williams jersey as he was; and their was some Asian guy with them too) there, I was like all stupid and just staring at him to make sure that it's him....I didn't do anything though, but you know if that was a maverick or nash I will go absolutely crazy, hell maybe even Gianluca Basilie...mmm he's so pimp tight.
BASKETBALL: Don't really feel like typing anymore, but USA lost to Puerto Rico and won to Greece. I can't wait till the NBA season begins...ahhhhhh the first Mav game is on November 2 against Sacramento. But what's so friggin' stupid is out of the four games against the Kings they only show two...errrr, they always use to show all four.