Perfectly Captured Photos

Oct 01, 2012 17:17

Several days ago, I had to write some articles about photography and so I browsed the internet to find the perfect sources for my articles. As I browsed, I came across an amazing website for designers, photographers and web developers.

I feel glad that I came across that website because I found a lot of stunning photos those I adore. It amazed me how the photos could be captured in such a perfect timing and created the great photos those will be adore by a lot of people including me.

This photo by Tustel Ico is one of my favorite photos. I love how this grasshopper looks as if it's riding a motorcycle :D

I love how this photo captured. Look! A porcupine and a cheetah. I wonder what happened to that cheetah after the photo taken...

One of my favorite photos and I feel ashamed as I saw this photo by Mahmoud Edeeb. Two lizards are helping each other. Now, animals are able to help each other so why can't we, humans live to help each other? (Talk about the war somewhere here, you know where you can find war....)

Strawberry!! Something unusual about this one because I have never seen strawberry with leaves all over its fruit...

Flying with a bird! Well this photos makes me feel like I can fly... XD Is there anyone know how this photo taken? I'm curious.

Beautiful bird. Love the color combination of its feather, green, yellow brown, It looks exotic.

Hug me mommy~~!!! One of my favorite. It's simply heart-melting photo. So sweet....I want to cuddle this cute kitten too...

At last...this is my ultimate favorite photo. A frog and its umbrella...err...I mean...mushroom XDD

random thought

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