Feb 26, 2006 01:29
Jen, you want to know why i'm not talking to you? Fine, i'll tell you! What have you done to me ever so often that made me hurt inside? You left. You kept leaving for a long period of time. Yea yea, I know all that stuff about your family being so messed up and stuff and that's your reason why. Well now you know what i've been going through.
So you want to know what's been going on in my life too? Well i'll tell ya that also! Been disgraced at myself for academic reasons, been rather upbeat and happy lately though. Oh yea, and I left you for TJ.
While you were gone it kept making me hurt inside and making me depressed. You weren't there to help me get out of that mood but TJ was. He was there all the times I needed him. And you were gone and I had no clue why or where to.
The reason i'm being so honestly rude about this is because you seem to have been treating me that way to find out.
Jen, while you were gone all of those times I drifted away from you. How was I supposed to know that you weren't going to be gone for a day or a year? You played with my mind by doing that and hurt it. I'm sorry it's had to come to this but I don't think I love you anymore.
If you want a better reason if there is one then try contacting me while you're not angry or depressed or anything. I'm not in love with you but I do still care.