Jan 18, 2006 22:47
Rawr! This isn't good. I'm trying to
write a letter to my kitty for his birthday and I can't think of
anything to write! Arg! This sucks! Plus it's going to be late since
his birthday is tommorow....or in an hour and eleven minutes or
whatever....Grr.....MUST WRITE.
While i'm having presonal issues with that might as
well say how symphony practice went. Turns out the winds are rather
good! YAY! We didn't have the oebos or whatever those are nor the
percussion there. Turns out the tenor part to my pieces are rather
easy...If I learn tenor clef. The songs are UBER FAST and I can't even
play half of the notes because it's all triplets and so freakin hard
while the rest of them are playing eigths...ugh. Oh, and there is a
third piece! Damnit.
I'm due to get my hair cut tommorow and wanted to
get some suggestions but a bit late...Oh well, i'll just guess and hope
for the best.
Well.....back to thinking on what to write. Sweet dreams everyone.