Jul 09, 2010 17:35
Soooo.... I haven't logged in or posted in ages, but I HAVE been reading you guys' entries! And since the forum has been down for the past three days, I decided now was as good a time as any to try and remember my password for this account. Yay me.
Congrats to you on your impending marriage, Nik! And always good to hear you're doing well, Mammothtank!
As far as the World of Mauve goes, it's been... pretty much the same! Still working in the same place, still threatening to go back to college or something.
I'd planned on taking advantage of my late work hours to do some morning volunteer work at the hospital, but I got an email today from them saying they weren't sure they had any available positions that would suit my limited mobility.
So, back to spending my mornings playing FFTA2! :D I only just bought it last weekend; Luso has joined the mighty ranks of Clan Kickass.. Cid is awesome.
Nah, I hope to find some volunteer work elsewhere. Animal shelter maybe. As awesome as my small DS library is (OMG The World Ends With You!!) I gotta find something to do besides sitting around all day.