Mar 12, 2008 07:44
Since I started feeling a little better last week, I have been completely absorbed by Atonement (the novel, not the movie) by Ian McEwan. Granted, I haven't read anything I'd consider "literary fiction" in quite some time, but this is the best book I have read in I cannot remember how long. Every spare minute I've had has been spent reading. I haven't even touched my knitting in days (this is unheard of and unprecedented. Since I started knitting I pretty well divide my free time between reading and knitting, though I'll go on little occasional kicks now and then favoring one, but still always do both). It isn't a book I'd have ever chosen on my own in the bookstore, but driven by what I knew about the plot from the movie, I thought it might prove to be a good read, so bought it on a whim. Man, am I ever glad I did.
I finished the book this morning and wow. I've been eager to see the film since before it was even released and now? I can hardly contain myself for another week to do so.
This is the sort of book where I was loathing one of the characters with such vitriol that I was unsure if I would be able to stomach reading about her later in the book. I wanted to throttle her. I actually found myself flipping forwards in the book to catch glimpses of what would come (something I never do - though I already knew the overall plot because of following buzz on the movie, so there weren't any *big* spoilers). I've not hated a character in a book in such a realistic manner in I cannot remember how long. (Snape, maybe?)
So, I very highly recommend this to all.