So, I possibly have a new hobby. My dad and mum have both said it was ok, so I'm hoping on good things. I'm going to be breeding Crowntail Betta Fish, these are beautiful Bettas with a fancy tail. I'm going to be leaving my Jeremy alone because I think he's happier by himself and I rather nothing happen to him. He already has a friend, as in Gizmo.
As promised, I have pictures of Jeremy and Gizmo as well as some of my other pets.
Click to make larger.
Gizmo and Jeremy
Jeremy in his favourite spot
The strays. These are the cats, who have adopted us, instead of us adopting them. Gizmo is related to them.
MaCavity (Gizzy's grandma) and Balame (Gizzy's Aunt)
Hiei (Gizzy's Uncle)