Aug 18, 2006 09:10
My psycho ex has refused to stop contacting me. He writes me that he is the only person on the planet who will ever truly understand/love me, AND that I have borderline personality disorder. He even copy and pasted some shrinks' guidlines for the disorder, basically telling me that THAT is why I broke up with him, and that even though I am a horrific bitch he forgives and loves me and will continue to pursue a relationship with me despite my repeated requests to be left alone and threat of a restraining order. I think I might seriously need one... At least I think I will have to change my email addresses. I probably won't have a land-line here shortly, so he won't be able to call me, but I'm worried about how I'm going to hide from him if I have to move or something. *shakes-head* How did I get caught up with this creep? Why won't he just leave me alone?!