Life and, of course, more politics

Oct 07, 2008 20:35

I was appalled during the VP debate when both Biden and Palin said that they were against gay marriage.  Biden was trying to say something about how he supports equal rights and allowing same-sex marriages, but that he is fundamentally against redefining marriage to include same-sex marriages.  Thank goodness I vote in Cali (No on Prop 8!!!!) and can have a say in this.

I'm watching the latest debate as I type.  Every time McCain talks about how bipartisan he is, all I can think of is bragging that you have a gay friend or a black friend.  Really, I'm not a racist/homophobe, see look: I have a black/gay friend!  Really, I'm not anti-Democrat, see look: I was on a committee with Lieberman!  I don't know how much more of this election stuff I can take (and I don't even watch that much TV!).  It takes so much mental effort to dig through all the rhetoric and BS to get down to what they're actually saying.  Which, of course, boils down to almost nothing.  They're so busy undercutting the other guy that they really don't say anything about their own platforms or ideologies.  And that's just the debates.  There's all of the media coverage and the mud slinging!  Enough!  I'm ready to vote.  Can we just get this over with already?

OK, enough with the politics.  You remember how excited I was that the mass spec was busted and I actually had time to get stuff done at work?  Well, I've now done everything that I can do and the mass spec is still busted.  So, I have NOTHING to do at work.  And I can't even surf the internet because my work computer died (even the IT guy was impressed with the scary noises it was making).  I may whine when I'm overly busy at work, but boredom is much worse.  By the way, why is it that my boss expects me to stay late when there's extra work to do (without logging overtime hours) but won't let me go home early when there's nothing to do (unless of course I want to use up my vacation time)?
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