
27 сентября 2011 - Транскрипт ответов Закари Куинто

May 01, 2012 16:37

Зак был в Москве впервые: представлял независимый фильм Margin Call, о котором я писала ниже. Был он здесь всего три дня, но ради русских фанатов выкроил немножко времени перед тем, как явиться в "Октябрь" на премьеру. Как организовывалась эта встреча, как мы сочиняли письма и собирали по всей стране вопросы, чтобы задать ему, это отдельная история, и её уже рассказали.

От встречи остались дивные фотографии, неизгладимое впечатление и видео не самого высокого качества. Впрочем, радовались ему, как чуду, особенно те, кто на встречу не попал. Увы, переводчика было почти не слышно, и на днях мне случилось поплакаться об этом в корневом сообществе Зака, в ZQC. Просто к слову пришлось, а в итоге мы имеем транскрипт ответов на вопросы, который сотворила бесподобная One_of_Jennifer. Записи в ZQC уплывают в небытие, так уж устроен сайт, но такую запись надо сохранять обязательно. Когда-нибудь переведём.

One_of_Jennifer posted 29 04 12:
Here's the final version of the Moscow press meeting. Getting good audio from front and center makes all the difference!

Zachary Quinto - Moscow
Re: Margin Call
September 27, 2011

You do? Lots of questions…all right. Should we ask questions, is that what we’re going to do? Really, a gift? Excellent. Oh, Old Russia and New Russia. Great! Thank you. (Is shown gifts in a basket)

Oh, so when I walk my dog, I [inaudible].

[Interview begins in earnest at 02:15 in reference to Margin Call. The second set of video and audio was taken from front and center, starting at the 0:27 mark.]

You know, we were introduced to the writer/director and he gave us the script and we fell in love with it immediately and my producer/partner, Neal and my other friend/writer [inaudible]. I felt like it was an incredible story and we decided that it would be the first movie that we produce. Yeah, a little bit of silence, which is kind of a bit [inaudible].

[In reference to the Last Guy on Earth]
We developed it as an internet short for the--what was it called? --The New Front, yeah. The Digitas New Front Media Conference. And we’ve been talking to a couple of different--you know--the idea of The Last Guy on Earth was that it would be branded online content--creative content, so it would be sponsored by a corporation and then we would make this series in conjunction with advertising for the corporation. So, we’re still figuring it out--it might happen. But I’m about to get really busy again, so I don’t know when [inaudible].

[In reference to American Horror Story]
It’s gonna be really--what did you say? Oh, Neal Dodson, this is my producer. He produced Margin Call with me and we started a company together. We’ve known each other for like fifteen years. I think American Horror Story is going to be incredibly scary--really creepy. And you know, I’m just doing a few episodes of it. I’ve shot two episodes so far and may go back for a couple more. But it’s not--it’s not like it’s “my show”. I’m glad to be doing it though; it’s really fun. And I think it’s gonna really freak people out.

Yeah, it hasn’t even started in the US yet. It starts -- it starts next week. It’s on Wednesday nights at 10:00.

[Regarding the Gershwin project]
I’m supposed to do this movie about George Gershwin, they tell me. So, I would like to do that but it’s kind of in limbo now and I don’t even know if and when it will happen, so--.

[Regarding Star Trek and future projects]
You know, I’m doing another Star Trek movie in January and I’m looking forward to that. Right, right. And then after that, we’ll see what happens. I just want to keep working and do good stuff and work with good people that are nice and talented.

Oh…it’s of me. [Looking at a photo he is autographing] It’s old, that’s why--I don’t know. What else?

[Regarding his favorite movie, Harold & Maude]
I think it’s -- I think it stirs up a sense of -- I just think it’s a lovely movie. I think it’s -- there’s something very romantic about it. It’s beautiful and fleeting and I think Ruth Gordon is a genius and Hal Ashby was an incredible director and I just remember seeing it in college and feeling really inspired.

[Regarding volunteering]
Yeah, I volunteered at different points in my life. When I was younger, I volunteered in a lot of different ways when I was in high school. And then -- and then as recently as a few years ago -- I like to -- I like to volunteer with old people; people who don’t really have a lot of family, you know, so I would go to a nursing home in Los Angeles and I spend the afternoons with really old people. I think it’s important to honor our elders, so there is a lot to be learned from that, I feel. And it was really -- it was nice to get out of myself. I’m actually looking to volunteer some more. I appreciate that question because it’s easy to get caught up in you know, your own life and it’s nice to do things for other people, so I generally feel that way.

[Regarding his visit to Moscow]
I just got here yesterday and I leave tomorrow but I’ve had an incredible time. I’ve had amazing hosts and we took a boat ride last night and ate dinner on the river, which was really fun. I think we might get to Red Square but it’s like I haven’t really gotten a chance to see very much of it. But the people here have been amazing. I wish I could be here longer but I’ll just have to come back. Would you like me to come back? [Laughter among the group] Alright, alright. I’ll come back.

[Referring to any future visits to Moscow with the next Star Trek promotional tour]
Yeah, well you know, the first time I didn’t come with them and Anton -- are you guys big Anton fans? Yeah? Did you see Fright Night? You did? It was good? I haven’t seen it yet. I gotta go see it. He’s amazing though -- Anton -- yeah, Yelchin. Yeah but anyway, he came with Zoë and Eric the first time and the second time I’ll try to come myself. I was in Paris at the time. What else?

[Regarding musical instruments]
No, I sing a little bit but I was taking piano lessons for a little while and I could learn how to play the guitar. I played the banjo for a minute and then I stopped. The road to hell was paved with good intentions. Does that translate? Do people say that here?

[Regarding other theatre performances]
In Ireland? I did a Chekhov play in Ireland, actually. It was a short play called The Bear. Do you know it? The Bear, anybody know that play? I love Chekhov; he’s one of my favorite playwrights. I want to do a Chekhov play at some point.

Say what? Cherry Orchard, yeah. Cherry Orchard I love The Seagull. I love Three Sisters--we were just talking about. Good stuff.

[End of video]
Elapsed Time: 10:34 minutes.

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