Friday night I went with the folks to an annual antiques and collectibles show ("Our 83rd Year!") and had a nice time. There was hors d'oeuvres and many lovely things to look at. Books and ephemera are my biggest downfall at things like that, of course. Peter slipped me some money, so I came out of it with a few goodies. :D
Like this post card of MIT! Probably early '30s, going by the stock and printing. It's so weird to not see the Citgo sign. XD
Also picked up a lovely tinted
stereograph slide. Dated 1901, it says, "Message from the Brave Boys at the Front, Japan". I can only assume this is in reference to the Boxer Rebellion. I'm probably wrong. XD;
And I scored a pair of hot studs brought two handsome gentlemen home with me. I found photographs that were close to how I picture two characters from my gay little robot storyoriginal fic thing. So here's
Frank and
Richard. I rather fancy Frank, but Caitlin and my mother think Richard is better looking. I say they just like the bad boys.
I found a pair of gold earrings that were currently out of my price range, but took the dealer's card to possibly purchase them later. Then after I walked away Mom sneaked over and bought them for me. I bawww'd. They look lovely on me too.
In any case a good time was had by all. X3