Name: Bernadette Anderson
Aliases: 'Dette, Meek's Horrid Little Sister, the Poster Child for Planned Parenthood
Age: 8
Weight: 65 lbs
Species: Dog
Hair Color: Brown
Fur Color: Blue
Dress: Striped top, and blue jeans. Is almost always barefoot.
Visual Description: VERY short. Has a round muzzle with a black nose on top and wears a bob type haircut over big bug eyes. Has a black tail.
Birthplace: Appleton New York
Occupation: Underage Lab Assistant
Residence: Appleton, New York
Base of Operations: Raggleworth Labs
Friends/ Allies: Meek, The Piranha, Dr. Raggleworth, Gilda, Hank
Enemies: The Mistress, Agent Fish, Reynold the Hunchback, Dr. Smog and to a small extent Gilda.
Parents: Deceased
Siblings: Brother Meek
Personality: sarcastic, mean, wry, and a bit of a blustery con artist. Despite being so unpleasant is REALLY good at playing nice and politic when she needs something.
Strengths: Extremely intelligent and is probably the smartest in the group after Gilda; Thinks on her feet better than any of the others and is possibly the most useful during a crisis.
Weaknesses: More than a bit arrogant.
History/What we know:: Not much to tell other than she's Meek's kid sister. She hangs around with him and the group although they (particularly Gilda) make it quite clear that they would probably have nothing to do with her if she wasn't related to Meek who they all are extremely fond of. They also know her mean nature is probably just a lot of show but it doesn't make her any more pleasant to be around. Probably only acts the way she does because she thinks it's funny, and she's not wrong.
Quote: (to Hank on his first day on the job of being a tour guide in front of a large group of people): "I have a question, Mr Tour Guide: Remember the time you got drunk and went cow-tipping and the farmer came outside and started crying so you pantsed him?... Good times."