Reviews for the latest episodes of The Simpsons, Family Guy, The Winner, Battlestar Galactica and the Stephen King novel It.
The Simpsons "Rome-old and Juli-eh"
This wasn't a very good episode but in fairness the idea is so bad that there is no way it could have been one. This is the kind of idea that should never have made it past the pitch stage much less made into an episode.
Why is this episode so creepy? Well, for one thing, Grandpa has wooed Selma's mother in the past. The entire concept just felt so WRONG. The worst thing is that they didn't even play up the creepy aspect of the relationship (which Family Guy or American Dad would have done) and tried to make the episode "normal", as if the idea of Grandpa and Selma getting together isn't vomit-inducing.
Bart and Lisa's subplot however with the card-board boxes was funny even if the climatic battle with the UPS guys was kind of dumb. I love how Bart and Lisa melted the boxes with a hose.
Man, this episode was NOT good. But there was no way it could have been. **1/2.
Fmaily Guy "Bill and Peter's Bogus Journey"
The concept of Peter hanging around Bill Clinton was hilarious and I was laughing at every part of that (especially them getting high and stealing a pig). But the meat of the episode was Lois cheating on Peter with the Big Dog. I have to say when I heard about this idea before I was nervous but the episode actually ended with PETER sleeping with Clinton too so I can forgive it. It was the best way to end the episode and undid any of the problems I had with Lois by ending that way.
Stewie and Brian's subplot involving the toilet was funny (the Roy Scheider video was classic) and I love how Brian had to wear diapers and Stewie's reaction to it.
The running Conway Twitty/ Hee Haw gag was unfunny however.
The episode was good. ***1/2.
The Winner "Broken Home"
I wasn't too crazy about the episode. The best part of the show is Glen and Josh's relationship and Josh was hardly in it. I don't give a rat's butt about Glen's parents so them dominating the episode did nothing for me.
Good things? I liked Glen unable to help himself warming up to Gary. Other than that the episode was average. ***.
The Winner "What Happens in Albany, Stays in Albany"
MUCH better. I love the dilemna Glen was in. I knew he'd wind up doing the right thing but I love out how he found out she had herpes. I also love the fact that she didn't really hold their night "together" against him when her daughter was cheering Josh on during the spelling bee. I really like that Alison showed up anyways. I want her and Glen together badly.
LOTS of great Glen and Josh stuff together too. I love how excited Glen gets about little things and it's infectious. Good episode. ****.
Battlestar Galactica "The Son Also Rises"
I loved that lawyer's scene with Six SO much. I KNOW Baltar still cares about Six a bunch and I love how his lawyer was able to make Baltar seem noble in her eyes. I love Mark Sheppard.
Adama has been cheesing me off lately. I sided with Lee throughout the episode.
The deleted scene between Sharon and Callie was BOSS! Why did they cut it out of the episode?! I wanted to be able to see the whole thing! Dang it, I'll have to wait for the DVD!
Good episode and I hope the two-part season finale is good too. ****.
It by Stephen King
A wonderful scary read for most of the book but the ending suuuuucccccckkks.
I liked the characters in the book a LOT. Bill Denbrough and Ben Hancomb are cool heroes and I like Bev a lot too. Pennywise is a SCARY villain too and the book has a TON of creepy scenes. But the ending dilutes everything that came in the book before. I KNOW the journey is supposed to be the important thing but by having his characters forget everything that happened at the end (including the others) King makes the entire book seem pointless. I am a HUGE Ben/ Beverly shipper so I wish their ending was as definate as it was in the mini-series. I also found the idea of seven kids having sex with each other in the sewer quite ridiculous. And Eddie got punked.
The ending was sad, but it really didn't have to be as bad as it was. The climax with It and the Turtle was good but it did so many things wrong that I can't really love it.
I think Henry Bowers was a creep but King AGAIN takes the easy way out by showing he is EEEVVVIIILLL by repeatedly dropping the N bomb. Lazy writing.
I liked the book and though the bulk of it was really good. But the ending really keeps me from calling it anything but overrated. ***.