Mar 24, 2005 12:54
What are you supposed to do when she runs at almost full tilt for an hour then
eats basically a side salad?
When she looks at her rail thin frame in the mirror and still sees problems?
Even though she hasn't eaten what a normal person would call a whole meal, she feels like she wants to throw up.
I don't know what to say to her.
Should I tell her, that her body looks fine as it is, with the hope that she'll stop with where she is?
How do you tell someone that has worked so hard to lose the weight, that it's too much and all that work she did
wasn't worth it because the results of it make me scared for her?
I saw her back last night, it's bone
Ribs and vertabrae are all that I could focus on.
She's got the body of a girl 10 years younger than her, she's 22.
and it made me cry to think that I can't do anything about it.
and I honestly can't. Of course I'll be there for her, but nothing that I can physically do can make her change.
People have died from this, even after they realized they have a problem, it was too late and they fucked up their body too much.
and who do I blame?
Not her, I can't, I can't look her in the eye and tell her she did this too herself.
Is it the boyfriend?
Yeah it's easy to say he caused it, or at least push it along. But he also started it and helped her and made her happy for looking good.
Because she did look good when she first dropped most of the weight, but it became obsessive, with what and how much they ate.
I guess it's partly his fault, partly hers.
Partly mine because I didn't see it.
I don't know how to deal with my sister being anorexic.
This is a public post because maybe someone who knows how it is from my point or hers can relate.