There's been a lot of talk over the past few weeks about how we need to shut down the GAY-TM for the DNC - no more money for the party until they start moving more forcefully on our issues. And I'm good with that. It may be the most effective way we have to express our frustration and spur action. And, as it turns out, there's a much better way to spend our gay dollars right now.
I'm talking about Maine. They've recently won the right to marry there, but it is certain to face a "people's veto" challenge at the ballot box this fall. In some ways it will be Prop 8 all over again, as equal marriage rights that are currently available are on the line and might be stripped away. And to give it even more of that sequel feel, our opponents in Maine have hired the campaign director from the "Yes on 8" campaign.
We can't let this happen again. We have the momentum on our side at the moment and we can't afford to lose it. It's not just important to the people of Maine, it's important to all of us that believe in equal marriage rights. If we win in Maine, it'll be the first time we've won at the ballot box, and that's an important barrier we need to break. Last year people from across the country gave generously to the cause in California, even though it wasn't "their fight". It's time to do the same for Maine.
I have a lot of hope for this campaign. I don't think the mistakes of the "No on 8" campaign will be repeated here - from everything I've heard, the people from Equality Maine and their partner organizations are super competent and ready to take this right on. But they need our help, and they need it now. One of the many reasons "No on 8" had so many problems was because money came in so late into the cycle. Let's not repeat that mistake.
Read about the formation of the
Maine Freedom to Marry coalition. It includes the "resources of the field organization and volunteer base developed by EqualityMaine, the legal expertise of Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders, and the legal and public outreach capacity of the Maine Civil Liberties Union." They don't even have their website up yet, but you can already donate at
Act Blue. Give now, give often, and let's win this thing.