Oct 06, 2012 00:36
I started hating humanity again this week. Unfortunately, it had no trigger; my chemistry just slipped me into this angry mentality and I have no idea why. I also grabbed a cold this week, so I'm feeling under the weather right now.
Despite the negative evidence, though, today actually felt pretty awesome. The command was able to give us all a four day weekend this Columbus Day weekend, and I used today as a me day. I slept in til 9, got out of bed because my head hurt, folded some laundry, played video games until I got a massage, then watched Looper. It was after all that that I felt completely disconnected from everyone else. And man, it felt great. It still feels great, but I had to go through Friday band practice to get to now, so there's a small bit of connectivity that I didn't really want to accept.
It's odd, but I think I almost wanted to be ignored this evening. To be honest, the conversation didn't really interest me too much, so that could have been it. I really enjoy just relaxing on the couch and listening to somebody play some relaxing tunes on the piano. For one, it stops me from thinking too much.
I'm glad I'm growing to love music more and more. Definitely something I've noticed developing inside of me as of late. It helps out a lot when I feel like shit; it's like a mental block so I don't think myself into a depression. I had to use it today. It felt good just to know that I finally have some reliable weapon against this overthinking brain of mine.
Looper was good. Not epic enough for me to buy it, but at least it made me think about time travel, which I'm always up for. It's also got telekinesis thrown in there, which again, I'm always up for. Seriously. A dude's chest implodes; it's awesome.
But really, the main character finally does something noble, and somehow, I connected with it a little more strongly than the other times the hero sacrifices himself. It just made so much sense. He had to do what he did...
I don't know why, but I have never been able to forget the disturbing dream where I become a self-inflicted eunuch, just so I never reproduce, as if some evil entity wanted to use my children for dominance. Sounds a bit (read, helluva lot) crazy, I know, but I've never been able to shake that dream. Then again, it could be that I've never forgotten that in a dream, I've actually castrated myself. You don't really forget those things, I suppose.
So anyway... about that separating myself from humanity thing... I'm glad people are leaving me alone. And I'm glad for this four day weekend... Bad time for a cold though. I'm gonna hit the hay now...