Dec 08, 2004 14:51
follow me to the end and i will show you the sun, the bright eyes that hold back from tears when they think of missing me, when i have to go on and be just a thought, a memory that will someday be no more, generations will pass and i will be forgotten, no one here, no one that remembers me. her eyes, her tears, her pain, her lost, that is what scares me the most, the fact that i have to go and that she sill stay, everything that isn't me, everything that i have changed, received her heart, even though she tried to keep it, something she would hide and not show that much, she gave to me with open arms, now in the end, i do what i said that i would never do, i have to leave, i have to go, i will hurt and so will you, so i am sorry, i wish i didn't but i have to, i have to go, this is not what i want, but what we need, in the end when the pain is gone, you'll see that i did what we needed. i'm sorry, i love you, i loved us, it is love that made me, and made me need to change everything. your love was great, your love was grand, it had everything that i need, but i cant return the same, maybe one day, we can stay, we can be, everything changed but the same.