a stuggle in my walk

May 05, 2003 22:32

Am I allowed to tell my mom about Romans 3:13, and how profanity is a stumbling block to me? She always tells me that I disobey her, and that my “pastors” tell me that I can go and tell my parents what’s wrong with them, and “judge” them (even though it says so right in the bible)? She says that I can’t judge her, and I am judged “ten fold” for every time I judge her. It’s so hard when your mom doesn’t even try to understand you, and thinks that you are self righteous for telling her that she may cause me to stumble sometimes. I know that I am not perfect, and she often reminds me. It hurts so badly, and I know that I am searching for God’s heart, and that is what I am trying to do with my family. My mom says that I am judging when I tell her scriptures, even if not to tell her that she might be doing something wrong. She thinks that I am self righteous, but I never make comments on how I am the only one in my family that is in the word or goes to church. I’m not judging. It’s just the truth. I can’t see the fruit of the spirit in my mom’s life, but I can always see God blessing mine. I know I probably do sound very self righteous, but what I’m trying to say is that I feel that my family needs a spiritual awakening. I don’t want to “show off” how “Christian I am” or anything similar to that. I just don’t want to go to heaven without my family. I have devotions with my two best friends, and every time my mother thinks that I am putting too many things before family. Last week, I had four of these devotions at an hour a piece. It seems like if I was in my room for four hours playing guitar, it would be fine, but when I am in front of my house in a car, talking about God with my friends. It is very discouraging. It is also discouraging how my mom looks at my church and its influence on me. She feels that all Calvary Chapels teach false doctrine, like the Calvary way or no way. Well, if she means that Calvary really sticks to one thing, like teaching from the Word of God, yes, they do stick to that doctrine. I have wanted to be an astronaut my whole life, and now that I am growing closer to God, and am in the Word more, I am more willing to hand that goal over for something that would be more pleasing to God in an instant. I was excited, so I told my mom about it. I told her how I might major in theocracy and become a pastor, if God called me to do so. She told me that God would have me stick to my dream. I don’t see how that would work if God would be glorified more if I did something else. I want to do what God would be most glorified in. Obviously my mom doesn’t care what I want, because it’s not like I’d tell her that I might do that if I didn’t WANT to. Think about it. I told her that that dream wasn’t very relevant to my life anymore, because I wasn’t a Christian when I really wanted to be an astronaut. She then told me that I was a Christian when I was born, because I was dedicated. I told her that wasn’t true, and she said, “Oh yeah, your pastors probably tell you something different.” I told her that I had come to the conclusion from reading the word, but she paid no attention.
Acts 28:28 - Be it known therefore unto you, that the salvation of God is sent unto the Gentiles, and they will hear it.
I guess I heard it and comprehended it when I was born or something.
Romans 1:16 - For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.
Also, I heard and believed it when I was yet and infant.
Romans 10:10 - For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
And when I was a baby, I even confessed Christ with my mouth.
I didn’t show my mom those scriptures because she would think that I am trying to be self righteous again. My mom also proceeded in telling me that I was just trying to follow a trend. I told her that I knew no one who wanted to be a pastor. She brought up my friend Scott who went to Bible College, and knows quite a bit. I don’t believe that he has any intention on becoming a pastor, but I don’t know. Either way, it is now a trend, according to my mom, because Scott went to college. And even if Scott wanted to be a pastor, and I did want to be one, partly because of him, doesn’t God put people in our life to help guide us, or give us signs to help convince us of His will? I thought so. This is just a hard struggle for me. Sometimes, I feel that my mom doesn’t want me to be close to God. I wish that I could talk to her dad. He was a pastor, and he will know that this isn’t some idea that’s been fed to me by the flesh. Either way, it is all in God’s hands, and I want to help His will be done. God knows that I love my mom. I just wish that she would show support for me. Prayer would be very rad if anyone could. Also, if anyone needs prayers, just comment or email, and I'd be glad to.

christianity, prayer, family, calvary chapel, mother, theology, bible college, scott, god, bible, jesus christ, religion, judgmental

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