To put it quite simply, I'm bored. I know, that may come as a surprise-but it's true. Have no new books to read since there are no bookstores in this little town. No new games, since this computer isn't good enough to play any of the new ones, and I've already been for my walk. So what am I going to do? I ask myself. Then the answer: I can update this thing. I know, I haven't been writing in here as much as I should be, but I really never have anything interesting to say. That said, let us see what I can come up with...
First and foremost a question to my dearest readers: Which type of vampire lore is your favorite? Treat this as broadly as you want, I'm just curious. (of course I am, otherwise I wouldn't have asked, right?) On to the next topic.
What is it to 'have Faith' in something? I was told to 'have Faith' a while ago and I was thinking about the idea of that statement today while I was cleaning out the chicken cooler at work today. Is it to believe that everything will turn out right? Perhaps to believe that something exists...To put your trust in something/someone else? I think it's most likely a combination of all the above and more. But it is the idea of Faith that is so amazing to me. To truly believe with all your heart that something you have no evidence of exists and has an impact on your everyday life... I find it quite interesting.
This is not to say that I don't have Faith in anything. In fact, I have a great deal of Faith in all sorts of things, not the least of which being the ability of someone to manipulate (a word with negative connotations, but it's the best one that I can think of) the energy which surrounds them. I can say that I have felt this energy, but I could easily be imagining it. After all, the mind is a terribly suggestive thing. If we want to believe that something has happened, then it has a good chance of becoming fact in our mind.
That ramble really didn't say what I wanted it to, but if it made you think then it was worth it. Next.
On a less complicated note I have been reading Kushiel's Chosen again. I think that I like it better then Kushiel's Dart, but I'm not quite sure. Does anyone know when the paperback version of Avatar is coming out? I don't have the money to buy the hardcover, unless I happen to find it in a second hand bookstore, but I really want to read it.
Back to the subject of Vampires for a moment. Maybe two. Have any of you read the book Among the Immortals by Paul Lake? I picked it up the last time I was out in Town. I found it to be a good book, but an English Major (particularly one who is focusing on the Romantic Poets) would find it much more interesting. It follows the idea that one or more of the great Romantic Poets (Shelly, Byron, etc) are actually vampires making sure that their works are appreciated long after their deaths. An interesting concept, one that I enjoyed.
The second point would be about a movie that's coming out in the fall; Underworld. Have you heard about it? From what I can tell, it's a remake of Romeo and Juliet with Vamps and Were's instead of the Montague's and the Capulets. Chances are it's not going to be a good movie, but since it involves one of my childhood interests I'll probably toss the ten bucks on a ticket. After seeing Queen of the Damned and After Dark I think I can take most modern Vampire movies.
This is not to say that Queen wasn't a good movie, it just wasn't a good adaptation of the book. Those who have read it will know what I'm talking about. Suffice it to say that they took two full length novels and jammed it into one movie. They left out a great deal of story, a lot of characters, and a lot of explanation.
I do believe that's enough for now. Perhaps tomorrow I'll think of something else to share. Until then; keep yourselves entertained.