It is significantly lower than I would have credited

Nov 12, 2006 23:44

I'm still alive, mostly.

I'm just working a lot and stuff. Like today I was at work until 7:30 in the evening. Mind you, I did have a late start, on account of I overslept and then I had choir practice. I'm feeling a lot better about choir now that I've given up trying to sing the tenor parts and switched back to baritone, but I am still singing some terrible things for $30 and a shot at television. And I'm still kind of freaking out about having less than two weeks to learn more harmonies than I've learned for anything else in my life.

Oh yes, and the uniform? Red top. White pants.

White pants.


I haven't really done the whole "going in to work on the weekend" thing much: maybe once or twice properly at university and once at my old job. I have to admit that it was good having space to myself to work things out. Mark (recently married and living with his in-laws, so comes in to work most Sundays) left about five and I even got to turn the radio off. I'm surprised I even heard the Korean guy crash his bike into my car down on the street. I went down to see if he and the car were OK, and then went back to work. What the hell?

It's been kind of a weird weekend, but fun nonetheless.

Work running total: eight days behind and counting, but maybe I clawed back half a day or so this afternoon.

I've been watching a lot of Rescue Me, which is kind of crack. I am, of course, immensely paranoid about fires now. After that's finished, I've got The Insider's Guide to Happiness to watch. I was quite stoked to find that, because what little I saw of it on TV was excellent, and I was very skeptical about its prospects on DVD. If you're the sort of person who hasn't completely given up hope in New Zealand television, it's probably worth forty of your dollars. Riccarton CD Store had quite a few copies, and you can take that as a recommendation.

In fact, shouts-out go to:
  • The CD Store - in an age where music stores are devoting larger and larger percentages of their shelf and rack space to DVDs (go figure), at least the CD Store has good prices for a variety of excellent television series and other boxed delights right now. I am this close to paying sixty bucks for the Godfather set, but I really only liked the first one, and I haven't seen the third. If anyone finds a branch that has season one of Monk, though, I'd like to hear about it.
  • Hills Rd Fish Supply - keeping it real. I had my sister round yesterday, and she, Jeff and I couldn't even put a dent in two scoops of chips from these guys. Plus, they have a loyalty card.
  • Meat Loaf - name one person with more bombast and a dodgier heart than the Loaf. Or, for that matter, one other person on the planet who could get away with covering Celine Dion completely seriously.
  • seeksadventure - for mentioning Meat Loaf on my flist and jump-starting my weekend.
  • iffp - for the most relaxed audition ever.
  • Lastly, the dorky guy at choir who is only there because he is somebody's friend and nobody else knows him and so just sounds bizarre when he makes remarks like this: MD: "OK sopranos, I think that F-natural is a mistake"
    Dorky guy: "Well, it is an accidental! "
    To clarify: I'm also there as a hanger-on. The difference is that I've worked my way in among the NASDAs, so that last week: Tutor: "There are also some new faces for the rest of you NASDAs: this is Matt..."
    Everyone (in unison): "Oh, we know Matt!"
    I am in.

work, recommendations, media, singing

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