Day four of n

Jan 12, 2006 11:20

So it looks like I'm on a kind of unofficial caffeine go-slow: I realised yesterday that it was my third day without energy drinks, and that I had in fact been subconsciously limiting myself to one cup of coffee (or equivalent in coke) per day. Naturally, when I decided to make A Thing of it, and actually take up a disciplined regimen, the withdrawal symptoms pounced. By 11pm last night, I had shakes, a headache and a bad case of what is known in medical circles as The Twitch-Eye.

This morning, the headache's largely subsided, although I suspect it may simply be lying in wait: I've had my controlled dosage for the day, and so I'm fair game in three or four hours, when my body's metabolised the caffeine (according to Wikipedia, which also notes that the most effective cure for the symptoms of caffeine withdrawal seems to be renewed caffeine intake). I suspect that once I've made it through a week or so, I'll be able to put behind me memories of a week spent at a girlfriend's house in Nelson, where, after six straight days of crushing headaches, I discovered I'd been drinking decaf all week.
"At some point during our time together, you may see me reach for this. It's Nurofen. It's mine. You can't have any. And no, I do not have a pain management problem. I have a pain problem."

I am Pushing On Through.

And now it's time for a Scientific Fact, established through rigourous empirical testing: there is actually a strong correlation between piña-colada-liking (P) and walks-in-the-rain-liking (W). For example, lucilu likes both (P ∧ W). I only like walks in the rain (¬P ∧ W), but I'm a statistical anomaly.

In the interests of alleviating my boredom with what is categorically the most horrid project I've ever had to work on, please leave a request for something small I should be able to do in fifteen minutes: a top five list, an icon, a little Illustrator sketch, a Fact of Science you need researched, a personal question you're curious about, a fic you need beta'd, an enemy you need dispatched... Naturally, I will undertake only such projects as pique my interest, and only until my interest is exhausted, so monkeys, robots, zombies, pirates, skellingtons and ninjas all earn bonus points; however, "draw a monkey robot zombie pirate skellington ninja and put these lyrics from Opeth's The Leper Affinity underneath plzkthx!!!!11" is unlikely to garner a response. It's all about nuance.

stupid ideas that seemed worthwhile

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