http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20071020/ap_on_en_ot/books_harry_potter That's so cool. And it explains a lot about his character.
Also, an unscientific poll from a very scientific guy:
I consider myself a(n)
1) Fundamentalist Christian (bible is literal truth)
2) Catholic/Protestant (bible contains metaphor as well as truth)
3) Fundamentalist Muslim (Qur'an is literal truth)
4) Normal (for lack of a better word) Muslim (Qur'an contains metaphor as well as truth)
5) Orthodox Jew (Torah is literal truth)
6) Liberal Jew (Torah contains both metaphor and truth)
7) Buddhist
8) Hindu
9) Religion not listed here
10) Deist (a god set the universe in motion and does not interfere with it now)
11) Agnostic (knowledge of god-existance is unknowable)
12) Atheist (absence of belief in a god)
13) Militant Atheist (No gods can exist)
14) I prefer not to answer (you just did haha so there)
For the record, I'm 12, but leaning sliiiightly to 11 when it comes to deist beliefs.
I don't know enough about Hinduism or Buddhism to know whether there are various levels of belief, but I assume there are. Lemme know, please.