May 04, 2008 18:38
So this weekend went rather well, so much so I am not even dreading the upcoming week! After school Friday I went over to the parentals’ to pick up Laura’s bribe, which FINALLY came in. I talked with dad a bit and picked up my stereo, sweet. Drive back to the apartment, haul the crap up there hook it up and jump in the shower with the hope that Laura doesn’t show up while I am showering and ends up sitting outside the gate. Luck is on my side, as usual, and she is late. Late to the point that I call to see if she’s alive, she is and is almost there, this pleases Matt. So she gets out of the car and we go to kiss, oh no! I have a fever blister, so I turn at the last moment to save her from the Herpes. Thus begins a weekend of trying to avoid kissing on the mouth, it was tough at times but we were (mostly) successful. We had I good time together, or at least I did. I really like hanging out with her, she makes me happy and makes me almost forget other things, like WoW. Laura and I are getting closer, I am more comfortable around ber, and she doesn’t flinch when I tell her what I am eating but besides that nothing stands out as super important, it was a nice, relaxing weekend. I sadly won’t have another like it for awhile as next weekend I am staying at her parents’ house (oh no, I’m gonna get shot) and doing the 5K. The following week my Lauras are graduating so I am back in ATX but again at the parents’ thus no shinanigins. Curses! ‘Tis ok, I actually like just chilling with Laura too, and LB will be happy that I get to endure her graduation too. I am gonna bail Saturday afternoon before the über-commencement as it is sure to be crazy and the Lauras don’t need me there and will be exhausted afterwards anyway. I don’t have too much school left so I should start writing some finals, my kiddos are doing a project all week in the library so I will have free-time then. LB, Nick and I lifted together today, it was a lot of fun and I am looking forward to getting back into a better schedule soon as my weekends sorties will be at an end for a time. I am looking forward to the summer and am still a mite nervous about the future, which I suppose will always be the case, but I feel like I have a lot to win or lose and I am not sure how to stack the deck in my favour… Anywho, I need to shower, again, and eat!