And on this end of the spectrum

Jun 08, 2006 01:49

I'm pretty sure most people don't like fundamentalists. I'm also pretty sure most fundamentalists think that they are absolutely, without a doubt, right... so they don't care what non-fundamentalists think. It kinda makes me chuckle a bit. Also, have you noticed that when one person, who is so far to one side, starts to get a little sense talked into them they instantly flop over to the complete other side of the spectrum, with possibly even stronger beliefs in that now, because you've shown them the error of their previous ways. Now I generally follow the path that Omatar lays before me, but maybe a lot of other people should just calm down a bit, and try to see a more neutral path every once in a while. I mean just because I'm not for the fighting in Iraq, doesn't mean I support terrorism, or just because I'm not a devote christian doesn't mean I worship satan. Open your eyes people, the world is not black and white! Everyone is just as scarred and lost in this world as you, its just some of us don't need to cling to some extreme to give us definition or a goal in life. It'll be alright, I promise... put the absolutism away, and come join the rest of us, the world is quite fun if you give it a chance.

Praise Omatar
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