(no subject)

Feb 03, 2005 01:20

i'm gonna try for another entry within 24 hours of the last one.. i don't know if i've ever done that.

so yeah, today was a dreadfully awful day for being outside. cold, wet, windy.. just absolute perfection on a scale of bad weather days. just had my 1 class, whoopee.

and well, looking ahead i have my long awaited trek to South AL, to go to a few Mardi Gras parades while staying with my Gparents. i'll probably go to the parade in Orange Beach on friday evening, cause my uncle is in it. and then spend saturday and sunday with my gparents and uncle. maybe i'll get to go out in the woods with my uncle and ride the 4wheelers and just goof-off, that's always fun. nice and relaxing, as if my life wasn't already as stressfree as possible. i know i've had some worries in the past year, but i don't know that something has really ever made me mad. the roomies think they can piss me off, but i've told them they cant. i'm too... hmm easy goin i guess is the word. i just don't really care about alot of stuff that troubles them, like women. brad got a date to his frat's formal in New Orleans 2 weekends from now. man, she's very hot... i can't really say he's in over his head, cause he's got alot goin for him. i'm not as suprised with these good lookin women ending up with average guys like me, just wish it'd actually happen to me first, lol. but she's a freakin pre-med major. that's hard as crap to do, brad tells me so, cause really i have no idea what hard classes are yet. but man, atleast it lets ya know she's got a head on her shoulders and some ambition. i think that's great for him.

hmm, stacey seems to think that she can't find that perfect guy, or that she'll never get married. ha, what a joke. i don't think i've ever seen a good lookin non-married woman in my life.. if there has been one then it's a rarity my friend, so i know you have nothing to worry about. now on the other hand, i've seen plenty of men that are 'batchulers'.. lol. and i think i'd do good for myself not to screw anything up and just end up happy by myself. but that's not to say that's exactly what i want.

i like this song "Best of What's Around"-by DMB, mostly cause it makes me feel soo good, but also i have a few people in my life that i know this applies to, and i'm really thankful for that. i don't have a clue what the future holds, but i know i lost that -live it to the fullest- mentality lately, and well, this song makes me kinda feel like i'm gettin that spirit back. i think i've been livin in fear of tellin everyone how i feel, or well telling them all of how i feel. when i was younger i just told everyone everything, and that brought me probably all the girls i have in my life now.. and well i still feel the same, i still love ya. haha course some things have changed, certain situations are different, and of course that's for good reasons, things always do end up working out for the best. but if i had my say so i can't really say for certain that it would be the best decision for the 2 of us, it'd just suit my needs and wants and i don't think you can really have anything great in a relationship when it's all 'about you'.. and of course that carries over to religion in some respects... or so i was taught when i was younger.
but anyways, back to this song. it just makes me feel so good. that no matter what is goin on, no matter if ya dont know what the outcome may be, that you just "make the best of what's around". and that's comforting. i like to think i kinda do that most of the time. i think i'm just makin it right now while i'm in this lull in my life. the end i can kinda relate to "and if you hold on tight to what you think is your thing, you may find youre missing all the rest." -dang i can so relate to that. and i know we all can. it really isn't about us most of the time. we just hold on to what we think we want and what we think we need, that we miss out on something great sometimes. maybe there is soemthign great i'm overlooking because i'm scare to take a leap, or go beyond convention, or see if things could turn out better a second time.

so here are the lyrics:
See you and me
Have a better time than most can dream
Have it better than the best
So we can pull on through
Whatever tears at us
Whatever holds us down
And if nothing can be done
We'll make the best of what's around

Turns out not where but who you're with
That really matters
And hurts not much when you're around
And if you hold on tight
To what you think is your thing
You may find you're missing all the rest

ya know, sometimes how you just think you're so stubburn, but you just know somehow, some way, that what youre feeling is sooo right. people will ask ya something, and ya just KNOW that the answer you give is absolutely true, whether they have soo much doubt in their mind, it doesnt' matter. well i had one of those tonite, and i couldn't help but just know that my answer was true, that i just knew it would work. it's kinda comforting, to know that you don't have a doubt about something. it's like you have some control over something, that we're defeating something, even though we're really just proving to someone something they are doubting. whether we feel absolute over the answer or not, the answer given probably doesn't matter to the questionaire. so yeah Stace, i am talkin about earlier tonite. sorry, i couldn't stop thinkin about it. i just have this gut feelin about how i know sometimes things would work. now whether it's the best of what's around, i cant say. but atleast you know you don't have to grow old alone.. and i'm sure that's a comforting thought. :o) but time will tell, cause Time opens every door to him who waits. lol

so yeah, i think that was a good entry, if i do say so myself, which i just did. i feel like i'm makin the best of this journal thing, using it for it's good purposes. not just writing to see how many comments i can get or how many friends i can have on here. cause really alot of it i wouldn't share with anyone other than the couple who read it... so consider yourself lucky. lol, but i know it's not that great of a privaledge. you ever noticed how i've given up on spelling? yeah well, from now on don't worry yourself with correcting me, cause this is always informal talk between friends, or just me and my journal.. and proper english is laughed at.

dang it's 2am. i gotta stop stayin up so late. i just get a couple nites of this strung together and i can't get into a rythum of going to be earlier.. what a shame, cause i love wakin up early gettni a good start on the day. i know when i get older i'm gonna wake up at like 5am every mornin and read the paper, wow, great, i've got that to look forward to. lol.

so yeah, i'm off to bed, i gots a full day tomorrow. 3 classes, then THE OC tomorrow nite!! oh yeah! and also that TV special on Tiger Woods on the golf channel. dang i love that man, he's just so amazing.

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