(no subject)

Feb 02, 2005 00:16

yeah so i'm gonna start this journal thing and it's 12:15, and i'm gonna see what all i can write about till i get bored.

well it's Wednesday. hump day. i remember bein in a soccer camp over in Georgia when i was younger and we always looked forward to the wednesdays of the camps every year.. cause it was Hump Day... the first part of the week was kinda just gettin in the flow of how tough it was gonna be. then Hump Day arrives and mysterically you 'see the light' at the end of the tunnel, and we realized it really wasn't goin to be that tough, even though it was one of the toughest and best camps in the nation. and of course, sayin all that makes me miss soccer again. i mean i've spent more of my life playing soccer than i haven't spent playin soccer.. kinda amazing.
so, with that said, i did add to the misery of missing soccer more by going back to Bham last friday to eat dinner with Coach Dearman and his family, cause he's goin to Iraq because he's in the reserves. and well, if that ain't the biggest bummer of the year thus far, then i don't know what is. i hate this stupid 'war'... cause well it's not really a damn war at all. i'm not gonna go into any political talk, because well, yall would find that boring, but atleast you know i'm growing less and less for this 'war'.

and another thing to add about soccer, Trey Gregory's mom died earlier this year, and that was just soo sad. but, coach d informed me that the guys had gotten wrist bands made with her name on them, and that they're gonna wear them everygame this year. dang, i just almost cried when he told me that. cause i can't imagine how Trey is feelin, or his whole family for that matter. i dunno how i would ever make it through a season of soccer without 1 of my parents when i was playin, cause i mean they did everything for me back then. not to mention how i would live life without one of them.. but that was a given. i've begun to wish i had stayed in Bham another year, so i could help coach the team. Coach mentioned it to me a few times after he had found out he was gonna have to leave for Iraq.. but he found another coach to do it for this season, which is nice i guess. i still love all those guys, they've grown up soo much since they were freshman on the team and i was a junior and senior. dang that seems like just yesterday.

i know i spend too much time thinkin about the past. but the more i think about it i really don't know what to talk about the future for, cause i don't have a clue what i want to do in life. well, except i do kinda wanna work outdoors. and that's why i've been thinkin about Forestry. it doesn't hurt that my family has land that we grow trees on, that kinda is weighing my decision alittle. but i mean, why would i wanna be inside all the time for.... life is about bein outside and enjoyin nature. i know that taken forestry is alot of science, which i don't really like all that chemistry type science crap... but hopefully i can get through it if that's what i really wanna do with my life. i had thought about being a teacher, but i think that's kinda been put way in the back of the list of options.

well i guess that's about it for tonite, i'm sure there will be more soon.. or ateleast i guess yall are hoping.. ha, yeah right.

thanks for reading Stace, since you're the only one that does. see yaa

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