Accomplished yet exhausted

Jul 27, 2005 12:24

OK - so never have I realized the importance of getting a good sleep. At 8AM for the past two mornings, I have been awoken by a jack hammer that sounds as if it is in my room. I try to roll back over and sleep but only get period of about 30 minutes before my ear plugs fall out. Of course, going to bed at 3AM and only sleeping till 8AM doesn't really energize me to the point where I can run around the apartment and do everything at ligtening speed. But instead of freaking out about what I might not get done, I am taking a more laidback approach - WHO CARES!

Regardless of what I do today, I shall feel accomplished. In an hour I have to be showered and on my way to a client's home to show her how to print on paper that isn't letter size - for this I get paid $20 an hour. Then, Jess and I will go over homework which I will have done between now and then. My labs are done and are actually correct (always good) and I've made phone calls for Derby Days and B-day wishes - HAPPY 21ST BIRTHDAY EDDIE! The t-shirt design came back today and met my approval - it would definately not be as good as it is if it wasn't for the wonderful designs that Stephanie and Sarah gave me. Now just figuring out how I can afford it. Tomorrow before lab I shall do some other space reservations and get that out of the way before I leave DC again.

My grandfather's first procedure was a success - no complication, no pain, just tired. Tomorrow shall be the true test of how this will all work out as he has his first retuxin and chemo therapy treatment. As long as he takes well to the retuxin and it doesn't cause him to go into respitory distress (as a different treatment did my father three years ago this time) I will remain as optomistic as I have been since hearing of his diagnosis. It was wonderful to get to spend time with his this past weekend and it got me thinking about all the memories I have of growing up with him always close by for the last 20 years. For me, and I think anybody that knows him, will always associate the song "Danny Boy" and Tom Cunningham together. It was one of the first songs he wanted me to learn on the piano...that and New York, New York. So, during his first procedure yesterday, I felt it was only appropriate to post the lyrics to Danny Boy as my away message and I think it will be something I continue to do. So for all of you who happened to be sitting at home checking away messages yesterday and in the future, that's what you'll find.

OH - and I had what was possibly the best chipotle experience on Monday. Momma Brilliant, Esther, Alex, Jen and Myself all went to Chipotle and asides from Momma Brilliant picking up the bill (which was totally unnecessary but so cool at the same time), I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in my life!!! I shall deeply miss Esther this coming year while she studies at Hebrew University but am so glad we got to hang out this summer.

OK - time for physics - have a great day...I am!
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