Website thoughts

Jul 26, 2009 14:34

I've been talking before about redesigning my main webpage with Wordpress, but then I backed up to think through what exactly I would what the website to do, before I made a decision on the technology. I still think some form of database management is the way to go, but here is what i would want to the website to handle:
  • Main page is like a blog/what's new/updates page. This is the forward-facing page that everyone sees. When I post here, it could be text, photos, audio, or video. Basically anything that I want to share with others. the actual content would be available elsewhere on the site -- leading right into the next bullet:
  • The rest of the site would be broken down into sections based on content, very similar to what I currently have set up. A user would be able to go ahead and go to that section, which would load up a page with links (maybe thumbnails, depending on the content) of the work that I have there, listed with newest piece first. The user could order the works by title, date added, date created, and other criteria.
  • The user could do a search on the site for keywords. All content would (or should, at least) have a number of keywords that I attach at the time of upload (Wisconsin, 2009, friends, etc.) so a search result may return text entries, photos, video clips, or whatever.
  • I realize that this basically could be done through the use of making accounts on YouTube, Flickr, and any blog site, but the 2 big problems with that approach for me are
    1. I don't have complete control over my work; for example, some of my video projects use copyrighted images/music, and YouTube is getting more and more draconian on what they consider Fair Use, and
    2. Separate sites would mean that a site-wide search would not be possible.
So, that's what I'm basically looking at; I'll touch base with some other folks and see what they recommend. I'm still thinking WordPress might be good, but I haven't seen enough documentation yet about it's ability to handle multimedia and "galleries" to be entirely sure it'll do what I want beyond its text and photo ability. Also, I haven't seen anything about storing multimedia files within MySQL, although I would hope that it wouldn't be an issue.


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