Feb 27, 2003 21:16
I understand that Leslie is going through a lot of inner conflict right now, but I've done a lot of thinking. It's lead me no where. I find myself dwelling on certain situations, certain conversations. Apart of me understands what she's going through because hell, I've been there before. When you're of age and you have no idea what you wanna do with your life it's really scary. The other side of me wants to be selfish and yell at her for doubting me, doubting us. I thought that if you loved someone so much you didn't think those things because you believed in that love and knew it was the strength that would keep you together though the best and worst of times. I suppose I'm being cyincal, who knows. I'm just unsure of a lot of things right now and all I wanna do is sort them out with Leslie. I've called her seven times today and she hasn't answered one. I'm worried. I'm confused. I'm scared.