Title: Tears of blood
MatsuAurorePairings: Juntoshi, Sakuraiba, Jun/Gackt, Gackt/Hyde
Genre: Au, romance, drama, angst, vampire
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Arashi owns each other's bodies
Summary: When his boyfriend breaks with him with just a message, all the world around him collapses for Ohno. He loses his reason to live and just wishes one thing:
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Comments 16
What happened in the bedroom of Masaki and Sho????
It was Masaki that left Sho in that way!!!!
Can`t wait for the next.....
He can't forget his Toshi!!! <3<3
Hyde finally confessed his love for Gackt but him... he onlhy wants to find Jun and hurt so much Hyde.... I hope that now he will help Jun more than before.
And my Sakuraiba... What happened to Aiba??? what happened, what, what, what??????? I want more, more, more, more!!!!!! Save my Masaki!!!! *.*
How can you do this??? why this cut????????? T.T
Thanks for your hard work and waiting for more!!!!!!! ^3^
what happen with Masaki??
and who is Ohno??
I really curious now
thank you for this
Why you always do it?! :( yeah don’t run away!!! come back here!! But seriously THANK YOU FOR UPDATE EARLY!!XD But now Ahhhhhh It’s SO interesting!!! I can’t wait for the next!! XD
Pour Jun je suis contente qu'il se soit souvenu de Toshi à temps. Ils sont trop choupinoupinou <3 ( ... )
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