Jul 28, 2008 16:05
I can't believe it's almost August! The short summer that I have is flying by! It feels ages since I've been in England, which is disconcerting at most. Maybe it's because my lifestyle is very different here on Long Island, but I feel so different since I was there. It's going to be weird not being at Sussex next term, but I feel like I have this split personality since I've been abroad. Everyone here has picked up where things have left off as it goes so it's like I never left, but at the same time I have this whole year in another country under my belt. Very weird. I'm so excited for everyone to come visit me for New Years!
I'm actually pretty excited to go back to Smith in September. Move in is September 2nd and I might even pay the $25/day to come a little early. Unfortunately, I've gotten the 2nd smallest room in the house a.k.a. the bowling alley in the summer lottery, which sucks because it's Smith that messed up my form in the first place. However, I'm going to submit a room change request as soon as I get back as I'm sure there will be people moving out and I can steal their rooms.
I've also browsed the course catalog with refreshed eyes and stumbled upon some courses I'm considering to fill my gap. I got rejected for my 1-credit UMass class so I'd like to take something else if that doesn't pan out. I realized I'd rather take 3 classes my last term maybe than this one, since spring might be more intense with Environmental Chemistry and my Env't Science seminar. Anyway, I'm considering taking: The World Food System (has a pre-req I don't have, but I've e-mailed the professor asking if I can get in anyway), Thinking Through Race (1-credit pass/fail, takes away the intimidation factor) and Microeconomics (because it'd come in useful for anything I choose to do since money effects everything). Thoughts?
Has anyone taken any of these and want to comment on the work load, interesting factor, etc?
Weekend was good. Liz came up and we went to the ocean (and had to get saved by the lifeguard, shhhhhhhembarrassing), went to Jesse's moving to LA party, played Dutch Blitz and ate cookie pie with Lindsay and Kt and generally lounged around. Tomorrow I go to NYC for internship stuff and Wednesday I'm meeting up with a bunch of kids from HS I haven't seen for almost 2 years. Should be good.
study abroad,