I've got the sore finger wrapped up in a gauze bandage, to keep the tender spot on it from getting bumped. But it makes doing *anything* that requires the use of my right hand really awkward, and I have to take the bandage off if I need to get my hands wet...
But aside from that, I had a fairly productive day: I finally tamed the clutter in the computer room and found the d6 that I misplaced (which I had been going slightly mad trying to find, ever since it went astray the other day...), plus I cleared the junk off the stairs, and cleaned out the seed shells, etc. trapped between the drawer and the base of Oskar the cockatiel's cage.
I also managed to get a good chunk done of the Merv/Flood slash ficlet I've been tinkering with. It decided it's gonna be in two parts: the first half, the flirtation/seduction scene, is purely the Merv's POV, while the second half, the actual sex scene, is from Flood's POV (translation: Very little emotional reaction aside from thinking, "Have your fun with me and get it over with.") I've been working on the second half: I must be doing something right, since I have to stop writing every five minutes to get my blushing under control. Neil Gaiman said something similar about one of his early short stories, if I recall from the author's notes in "Smoke and Mirrors".