Work generates work-arounds...

Dec 21, 2011 14:37

So, after a day of bagging for grinchy old ladies who did everything but "Bah! Humbug!" me when I wished them a Merry Christmas, I've made a few executive decisions.

I was tempted, last night, to jettison LJ entirely, but I decided against it. It's too time-consuming to set up mirror accounts for my RP characters on InsaneJournal, and after the stress of waiting for Muraki's application to clear on adstringendum, I don't feel up to app'ing people on IJ. That and the bulk of my CR is with people on LJ. I will be back to cross-posting entries from Dreamwidth more in earnest, but I can assure you, I won't be restricting myself to DW. The reason? The waaaank on DW. I almost gave up on
fic_promptly twice recently: once, when the theme of the day was "Odd Phobias" and some eedjit came onto the post railing about "ablism". Writing about odd phobias is *NOT* ablism: I've got an odd phobia myself -- live lobsters in plastic bags (really. Long story...) -- and I am able to laugh at it. In Yami no Matsuei, there's Tsuzuki's canonic fear of *ghosts*, even though he's a death god, which is hysterical due to irony. Also, in Maison Ikkoku, which I've been mainlining lately, there's Mitaka's wacky, if poignant fear of dogs -- contrasted with his family setting up an arranged marriage for him, with a girl who has a coterie of silky little purse dogs. If you can't have a chuckle at your own foibles once in a while, your sense of humor needs a tune-up before you fall into Stop Having Fun Guy territory.

Another case of wank: People who write Carlisle/Edward slash getting into froth at the mouth fits over their fics getting tagged as Twilight when said fics were being archived. Well, tough luck: just *where* did your pairing come from, even though it's an AU?? Didn't come from Daybreakers, that's for sure. I mean, I get it that they don't want to be thought of in the same vein (ha!) as the Twi-hards, but still, they're being just as looney as the Twi-hards. What does that make them, the Anti-Twi-hards???

I'm also thinking this is a good time for me to do something I've been dreaming about for some time now: start recording my fanfics as *podfics*. Granted, I'll be posting them as short vids on YouTube, but I've heard a lot of good things about this and I think I'll give it a go. I have a good reading and speaking voice, and it's fun to mimic the character voices: I do a pretty good Tsuzuki and I love reading aloud the lines I write for Muraki. So... it might be harder to post content warnings on subject lines, if I'm replying to, say, prompts on "comment_fic", I might have a whole new venue to explore. One door closes, another door opens...

lj wackiness, fandom: twilight, fanfiction: theory and criticism, lj nonsense, fandom: yami no matsuei

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