I had planned to go out today and make my at-most-twice-a-month trip to the Burlington Barnes & Noble, but considering the extreme wind chills today and the fact that I was up till the wee hours last night typing one fanfiction, writing another and watching anime (not necessarily in that order or all at once, either), I decided to stay home today. So I've been curled up under the covers of my bed writing and reading. I won't say I'm mildly stuck on the 12 Days of Fanfic challenge, but I think I need a mini-break from it, though that means I may need to double up some days or let the challenge run over the time limit, which I hope people will understand.
Also, my mind seems to be cranking out stuff for anything but the 12 Days fics today, including a passage for a decidedly dark Yami no Matsuei fic that's presented itself to me.
I get the feeling that Yoko Matsushita may have been aiming for a "He Who Hunts Monsters" plot arc that would end the series, but maybe that's just me projecting/hoping. Manga!Hisoka has this scary amount of anger and ambition in him: purely understandable, given what Muraki did to him and how determined the kid is to destroy the one who destroyed his life. I can see him devolving to the point of becoming something just as if not nearly as monstrous as Muraki in his quest to destroy a certain crooked and manipulative energy vampire. I've yet to come up with a plot for a fic based on this idea, but I have been drafting a few scenes, including one where my OFC Mercy Falcone winds up getting killed, though it becomes evident that she may have turned her death into a sacrifice.
Yes, I'm on a YnM kick today, since I re-rewatched part of the anime last night and I've got a YnM fic next on the list of 12 Days fics. This lead me to go poking around the comm on LJ, in which I netted more icons than my LJ can use ("Ooh, nice Muraki/Tsuzuki icon! Hm, I do need a Tatsumi icon for the moments when I'm being a rules-lawyer..."), found a few drabbles and also found things to irritate me. Case in point the person slamming the "horribly cast" dub. :: Grumbles about the universal subs vs. dubs debate, compares it to people arguing about Bible translations:: I'll admit, Muraki's English VA took some getting used to that first time I watched the series, but since I sound just as nasally -- and worse -- if my allergies are messed up, I'm not about to throw stones; to me, something about his voice just adds to Muraki's general weirdness. But grrr, hands off Dan Green! I think he did a great job bringing across Tsuzuki's cheerful likableness as well as the hidden angst just behind that mask of bounciness. Liam O'Brien did a great job with Hisoka's snarky sang froid. The only thing I can think of that seemed off was Watari's stagy-sounding British accent; they seemed to be avoiding the general trend of giving a Brooklyn or a Texas accent to a character who's supposed to have a Kansai accent. Not sure what to make of that, but I rather like it.
Also went poking around on ff.n for YnM fics: am puzzled about an odd trend of fic writers recasting Muraki as a Mob boss (though I don't doubt the Not So Good Doc and/or possibly Oriya may have ties with the Yakuza). I mean, he'd fit the archetype, but that definitely makes it an AU. Either that or evidence that Hakushaku got himself the Mario Puzo model of the magical self-writing novels (I want some of those! It would make fic-writing less time consuming). Hey, does that mean that YnM fic is metafictionally part of the mythos? No doubt Hakushaku has some books of his own creation that are just as bizarre as some fanfics about their world...
Aaaand my request to join An Archive of Our Own has been accepted:
http://archiveofourown.org/users/matrixrefugee. So far all I have on there are the two YnM fics, but I'm working on importing more of the ff.n fics.