fandom_stocking fun

Nov 28, 2009 00:28

The sign-ups for fandom_stocking have started today and I am fairly bouncing around with delight: I did this last year and while I didn't get a whole lot, I had fun writing fics for folks. Hopefully I'll be a little more inspired this year.

Username: matrixrefugee

Fandoms: Anime: Neon Genesis Evangelion, Yami no Matsuei (aka Descendants of Darkness), Blood+, Trinity Blood

TV: Supernatural, Criminal Minds, The Mentalist

Movies: The Matrix series, A.I.: Artificial Intelligence,

Books: Neil Gaiman (especially "American Gods"), The Dresden Files (TV-verse, too!)

'Ships (slash, het, and femslash): Yami no Matsuei: Muraki/Tsuzuki, Tsuzuki/Hisoka (Just not all three guys at once, plz, that's kinda squicky when you consider what Muraki did to Hisoka.)

The Matrix: The Merovingian/Persephone (hey, the guy was once "very different", and I don't doubt they were once very much in love.)

The Dresden Files: Harry/Lara Raith

The Mentalist: Rigsby/Van Pelt

Evangelion: Gendo/Yui, Fuyutsuki/Yui

Fic Likes: Warm and fuzzy feeling fics, dramatic stories with happy or bittersweet endings, playful comedy, Christmas fics (I'm a real sucker for those), Mpreg played for chuckles with a touch of "awww..." in fantasy universes or ones where magic and/or weird science is involved

Fic Dislikes: Extreme OOCness, random humor of the "running around yelling 'CHEESE'!!!" variety, overly graphic sex, overly angsty fics

Anything Extra:? Not much I can think of, though I'd love to see some fan-mixes, maybe a few AMVs; I've been on a huge anime kick lately and I'd really like to see some anime fics, etc.

Also, if you've noticed some wackiness with my journal, I've been doing a little renovation lately, starting with a new mood theme, courtesy of eggdrpsoup

fandom stocking

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