Nov 27, 2009 15:40
Just did a couple different "Which YnM character are you?" quizzes, which don't want to play nice with LiveJournal for some weird reason, so I'll just post my commentary on the results:
First one gave me Tatsumi: I can see that one, as he's a bit of a tight-ass and a rules-lawyer on the surface, though he's really a kind fellow underneath his buttoned-down exterior, and I can be the same way.
The second one gave me... Muraki. I'll admit to being a bit of a manipulator (not as much as I used to be), and I have a bit of a sadistic streak but... I'm nowhere as vicious or cunning -- though I have the potential to be that way. Weird result is weird...
This is pretty much the same reason I've never yet posted any "Which Evangelion character are you" quizness: I always get weird results. On one, I got Shinji (okay, yeah, I cam be too emotionally sensitive at times, so I can see that one); on another, I got Rei (I can be quiet at times, but I'm not *THAT* deadpan...), and the result that really stymied me was Gendo. I Am Not Making This Up. I don't see the similarity, do you?
fandom: neon genesis evangelion,
fandom: misc. anime,
fandom: yami no matsuei