Oct 24, 2007 16:16
I've been back for a little while. No, I have no pictures. England was a blast, except for one very wet and rainy day in which NOTHING went right. (We didn't lose our luggage and we weren't mugged, raped, or killed, but everything else was in the crapcan.) We crammed as much as we could see into our schedule and if the one rainy day had worked, we could have seen more. If I had had more money, we might have tried for one more palace. I'm just happy my knee only failed me once and kept me from only one place I wanted to go.
a short list:
Bath (Like duh- I went to the roman baths, and me and my sister chugged our free glass of water. It wasn't bad. Went other places in Bath, but the Roman Baths were the key.)
Stonehenge (skipped the paying still got a great view)
Avebury (Sheep pastures. In amongst the sheep dung were these great huge stones around the henge. Did I mention the sheep?)
Lacock (BBC Pride & Prejudice's set, as well as a few scenes from the Harry Potter movies.)
Castle Coombe (Keen village. Nick Cage apparently bought a house there recently. No, we didn't see him.)
Old Sarum (beautiful and historic though it was, the -at least- 2 mile hike back to town ... )
Salisbury Cathedral (*gorgeous* Missed getting into the Cathedrals' towers by being beaten out of the tour by the Smithers. Damn you Smithers.)
Winchester (This was the rainy day. Think rain. And lugging 15-20 pounds on your back for your entire 2 hours of walking around town. Through sadistically laid-out roads with poor directional signposts to a closed dead end, into a private residence- RUN!- Up a hill, dash into a hall for 2 minutes, back down a hill, and to the bus station who probably hated us by then. I certainly hated it.)
And then 4.75 days in London. I'll get to that later.